The new Appstore/iBook store layout/design

15 Dec 2002
In a cowfield, London, UK
Am I the only one finding it a complete and utter travesty of design? Even speedwise it is horribly slow when accessed.

I was using my iPad3 this weekend on the Appstore and experienced 8/10 crashes when accessing the store. This was after a reboot with nothing running. It seems that there are too many graphics elements being accessed causing the store to take a few seconds to appear or just CTD outright. In addition the store feels sluggish to use.

The same goes for the iBooks store. No crashes this time, but oh so slow. It is a huge step backwards imo and I have no idea why Apple haven't seen how bad the new design is.
It's terrible! It's a complete step backwards :/ It's so stupidly slow it's awful :(

It makes buying apps a chore rather than being fun and easy...
Glad to see it isn't just an issue on my end then. It is very un-Apple like to have something that is so painfull to access.

I was searching for Baldurs Gate over the weekend, as I was out of London. The amount of times my iPad crashed over 3G was unreal. I then gave up, and went to find some books, and the same issue there. I gave up and just read an existing book in my library as a result.
Odd. Can't say I've ever had any slowdown or crashes.
Does it not take longer than usual to bring up all the graphical elements on any section of the store? On wifi it means I have blank icons for 2-3 seconds before the images finally appear. On 3G it is obviously worse depending on your speed.
I think I was a bit too hasty in my reply - I am using an iPod so you don't get all the graphical fanciness that the iPad probably has. My bad!
This is how they force to you upgrade, make all the apps run slow on older models.
I know where you're coming from and I've been expecting it. Not even bothering upgrading beyond iOS6 now, not that it'll help. As with my phone, it'll probably be the last iPad I ever own anyway before I shift camps. Getting tired of seeing devices being left in the dark from various features that only work on newer kit.
I don't think it's the device at fault I think they have just coded the pages to load all their elements before displaying, so for the image intensive pages they take an age to load up.

It does seem unnecessarily slow though

*throws screwed up paper at the back of Kainz head* :P
It's basically a webview. Thats why it's so slow. Gives them more flexibility in page layouts, however.

Can't say my iPhone 4 has been any faster or slower running iOS 6 that it was iOS 5 or iOS 4. I think on the whole the do a pretty good job, I would much more bothered if they had sacked my iPhone 4 off after iOS 5 than it miss a few small features in iOS 6. It's all about keeping SDK compatibility so I can run 3rd party apps.

People don't realize how much more powerful the newer devices are than the older ones, stuff like sticking photos is intensive, and yes photosynth can do it on an iPhone 4, but there is a big delay after each photo.
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