The *NEW* Photoshop speed test thread. This sample image will make your computers cry!



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
This spawns off from the previous thread here because the sample image in that is small and the test is pretty defunct now, we have more powerful systems and need a higher resolution sample image!


1: Sample image (46.8 MB) (62.9 MB extracted) (Photo is my own, it is not to be hotlinked anywhere outside of OcUK!)
2: Photoshop Action file (simply double click to open with PS then it will be listed at the bottom of your Actions pane)
^ Action courtesy of

Start the stopwatch the moment you click "Continue" on the dialogue that pops up and stop it the moment the STOP!!! dialogue pops up.



If there are any changes that need to be made please reply back and I'll update but I think it looks good from here!

Please format results like mine below so it's easier to skim through for everyone interested.

CS5 12.0.4

i5 2500K 4.3GHz

16GB DDR3 1600MHz
CS5 set to use up to 10.4GB (71%)

Corsair Force 3 120GB SSD

Corsair Force 3 120GB SSD

21.92 secs

I found that by increasing the RAM allowance for CS5 (Edit > Settings > Performance) the time taken to process drops dramatically. Allowing 55% of RAM use gave me 29 seconds! The time to invest in RAM is here :p
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Interesting! Initial thoughts on this test being RAM bound seem quite clear cut given similar specs in CPUs used!

neil_g, is your CS3 not 64bit?

16GB Kingston HyperX 1600MHz kit was going for £50 last week at a competitor, absolute bargain!
Interesting! That sort of indicates the memory managers vary between OS which in itself is not that interesting but it does tell you that Widnows 7 hands apps better when they're allowed to use more RAM!

Or is that Adobe's coding of PS...
I re-tested with 80 and 90% RAM allocation and got the same time so looks like there is a ceiling somewhere, maybe I'm CPU limited from 70% onwards or quite possibly RAM bandwidth which makes more sense as the RAM can only populate as fast as it is specced!

Quite an interesting test actually!

Looking forward to version 2 of the action file because the author says there's a trick up its sleeve and I reckon it has something to do with GPU acceleration!
I'm at 21.92 at 4.3, I'm sure an extra few seconds is doable from the bandwidth the extra 200MHz gives hehe :p

Not too fussed though! No point upping just for a benchmark, post above was more of a joke hehe :)
Hmm these were some of the files lost during some downtime last year unfortunately! Unless someone has a local copy?
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