The next big title

17 Jun 2009
So out of the loop with everything.... However my kids are getting that much older and I'm finding I have a little bit more time to game!

Interested to see what you guys think the next big game will be in the following area:

SURVIAL (new genre tbh).

Love PUBG, covers both FPS & SURVIAL, however getting a little bored of it. I do like to work towards something... i.e exile arma 3 or a WoW toon.
I just miss 2006 to 2010.... So many amazing games to play, css, Wow, bf2, cod 4, AoC, bf3, crysis..... Just gone to the dogs lately... Pubg did good mind. But all the others are flops!

I'm so desperate now been looking at 2018 BF5 trying to work out what that will be. They'll prob try and milk Bad Company next!
Division I thought was really on to something! But the population dropped overnight due to bugs and glitches!

I wonder if Blizzard will ever do something new. Is the population still going on WoW, hardly know anyone that plays it nowadays
Gaming grew a little stale for me with not much coming out that interests me form big developers, the game I found my self playing were early access from small or indies devs, Rust and PUBG mostly. I bought an Oculus Rift, man I can't get it off my head! It's absolutely blown me away! Even genres that I wouldn't normally play have sucked me in, I'm honestly not sure if I can go back to monitor games..

Like what.... and how did you pay for the set up? PC/console?
I haven't seen anything decent since i played Battlefield 4 and i've only bought two games since then and that was Far Cry Primal and Battlefront.

I tried Battlefield 1 but i didn't like the multiplayer concept, didn't feel like Battlefield to me and i'm not interested in Battlefront 2 as i've given up on EA.

I went back to playing BC2, Guild Wars 2 and The Division (giving it another attempt to see what's changed).

For your past Goon, i would say PUBG, but i don't look out for upcoming games anymore like i used to during 2009 - 2012.

I've smashed PUBG, got I think 2 - 300 hours in. That is my game, but its gotten a little stale atm. Will go back when a new map comes out!

Funny enough, I went back to bf2/bf3 recently... Loving it!
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