The Next GT-R

That front end would split you in 4 if you got hit by it :D

Have you seen the Artisan GT-R? Re-imagined R34/R35 with the engine and gearbox rebuilt & tuned by Litchfield. Dread to think the cost though!

Don't think the exterior of the production R36 will look like that, but I'm in love with that interior and hope to God they manage to keep it. Just hope they allow you to add an exterior sound seeing as how it's fully EV.

*rushes off to source Automan sound effects*
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Another stupidly overpowered car that has no need to have the power it has, or be remotely usable on the roads. (on track is a different matter)
Seems a silly statement to make? This would apply to basically anything with 300BHP+

For ref most performance cars now are coming in with 600BHP+ with not a mile off double that in torque Nm. The next BMW M5 is over 700BHP, the next M3 was rumoured to have nearly 1000BHP, a Hyundai N iEV is now over 640BHP and puts most supercars to shame for performance.... The world has changed.
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The world has changed.

The roads haven't.

BHP is just a marketing gimmick, and figures for people down the golf club to brag that they have more of that their mates.

But manufacturers have to do it, as if the next model has the same BHP etc, then it's not 'better'. You can't quantify handling, or driver feedback etc.

And also, how many of these mega powered cars are actually being driven? They're collectors items.
Modern cars (whether performance or not) brake faster, handle better, are safer, grip better than your average older car. For all intents and purposes these modern performance cars with loads of power are safer cars than your average everyday car with cheap generic tyres too that you see on the roads.

And whilst yeah the roads haven't changed, they don't need to, tarmac is tarmac, driver education has changed for the worse. The motorway speed limit came into place in 1967, a time when cars needed much longer distances to stop from 70 to 0 in an emergency.

Maybe your annoyances need to be focused on the actual problem, which isn't fast cars, it's the driver and lack of education/awareness on the road and the subsequent mindset of the average driver. Look at any dashcam UK compilation, the vast majority of ridiculous driving and losing control and crashing is done by the average driver in an average car.
I do think an issue that could be addressed is having some power limit based on your age. Dont they do this in some countries? Australia maybe?

If you have a rich daddy, you could pass your test at 17 then go and get in this.
I do think an issue that could be addressed is having some power limit based on your age. Dont they do this in some countries? Australia maybe?

If you have a rich daddy, you could pass your test at 17 then go and get in this.

never understood that in the UK. At our fee paying school a classmate got a Ferrari after he passed his test at 17 from his dad. How you can go from being 17 and have never driven to a ferrari within a few months never made sense to me. That and no motorway experience. I was scared of motorways for a few years after passing my test.
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