The nod

29 Jan 2007
Ritefast HQ
So after riding out for the first time yesterday on my bike (cbr600) i noticed that nearly all of the sports bike riders gave a nod when passing whereas all the rest dont is me is this some unwritten thing as when i was learning to ride on a cbf500 didnt get it once or was that just because i was a learner haha?
It does depend what you're on. Now I'm riding the Pegaso I get a lot less of it from sportsbike riders, but more from adventure bike types and commuter bikes. When I had my Mille it was the other way around, and when I was on the Fazer 1000 I used to get them from most people.

Can't remember about the bike before, too long ago!

In winter you get nods from everyone just for being out on it.

Thats how i thought it would be as not a single cruiser or naked bike etc gave a nod yet the sporties did! I guess it also depends on the area as on the outskirts of london theres quite a few bikers so i guess not everyone is going to nod to every bike!
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Are you on a new bike, do you nod at older bikes or only those "on a par" with your machine? Do you ride an older bike and still get nods from the 0% finance boys, or do they ignore you too?

I'm on a 98/99 cbr600 f4 but because it stayed the same shape for so many years i guess many could view it as being fairly new especially because of the condition. But for me dont discriminate against older bikes just do sports bikes as no one else nods back
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