The OCUK Men of Honour 2024

17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
Once again it is that time of year where the last of the Christmas Turkey has been eaten, the mince pies are running low, Mariah is thankfully locked away again so our hangovers can start to recover and the forum moderators have finalised the list for the new Men of Honour.

So without any further ado may I present our newest Men of Honour in recognition of their outstanding posting contributions to the forum.

@Caged For outstanding contributions to the forum, specifically the Networking areas.

@Fire Wizard for outstanding contributions over many years, including his time as both an Underboss and Moderator.

@Kenai For his outstanding contribution to the forum.

Please Join me in Congratulating the 2024 Men of honour.
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Literally went to check my profile to see if it had actually changed after being tagged because I assumed it was probably meant to be @kindai :o

Not really sure what else to say, other than it's completely unexpected and thanks :)

(Maybe this is the bit where it actually was meant to be kindai and it all becomes an embarrassing yet somewhat funny misunderstanding?)
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