*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

So i picked this up last night to keep me busy, i started it up and looked at the menus last night, that is it, i was wondering if there are any important tips or videos on starting out properly. Best way to get right in to it?

I quite like this guys ideas for new starters but he waffles a bit to start, so watch from 5 mins and he gets on to how I would start if I was only just getting going.

^^ yeah except that he did a mission that was like 6 or 7 jumps no? He edited all the jumps out of his video. (for some reason?)

If i were just starting out, before accepting a mission make sure the destination is at least a bit close to your starting point.

Once you have enough money to either A rate the sidey or buy a combat ship with decent spec - gain credits faster by visiting nav beacons, res sites and then lastly combat zones to earn the credits from bounty hunting. After you have a bit of cash from that you can choose more what you want to do (trade, fight, pirate)
Recently got into powerplay with Lagivny(?sp)'s Legion. Just gotta try and socialise so I can get an undermining wing going. SC interdictions @30 each is way faster than crime sweeps IMHO.
Running a combo of a FAS and a Python at the moment. Python for trading, general missions and also trying mining. FAS for dedicated combat. Seems to work well.
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^^ yeah except that he did a mission that was like 6 or 7 jumps no? He edited all the jumps out of his video. (for some reason?)

If i were just starting out, before accepting a mission make sure the destination is at least a bit close to your starting point.

Once you have enough money to either A rate the sidey or buy a combat ship with decent spec - gain credits faster by visiting nav beacons, res sites and then lastly combat zones to earn the credits from bounty hunting. After you have a bit of cash from that you can choose more what you want to do (trade, fight, pirate)

That's pretty much how I started out but fair point on the jumps and ideally you would want something closer.
Did my first robigo run this morning, first drop off station get scanned and couldn't shake it. Oh well, had some none smuggling missions so still made about 1 million.

Might try again tonight with only regular hauling as I think I'm just rubbish with avoiding the scans in the asp.
Did my first robigo run this morning, first drop off station get scanned and couldn't shake it. Oh well, had some none smuggling missions so still made about 1 million.

Might try again tonight with only regular hauling as I think I'm just rubbish with avoiding the scans in the asp.

There seems to be three types of place

1. Completely unpatrolled factory type base. Landing pads outside - easy stuff
2. Patrolled versions of the above - very hard
3. Letter box type places. Always line up facing the letter box at about 12km. Boost and full throttle. At 7km, request docking. Boost again. Slow down and put out landing gear to help reduce speed about 100m from letter box. Easy stuff usually.

People on Reddit are saying that if you get a constant cop on your ass in supercruise, logout. Kinda ruins it but apparently the AI are bugged
.... robigo run this morning, first drop off station get scanned and couldn't shake it.....as I think I'm just rubbish with avoiding the scans in the asp.

Are the previous avoidance tactics still working (haven't played in a month or two)?

If you get the scanned message try;
a): Unfurl* weapons. Should make the AI stop scanning and unlimber its weapons instead. It used to be that simple.
b): If thats no longer working, if outside the no fire zone on the big stations, just shoot the AI. Then zone.
c): If the AI is spawning following you in supercruise, just stick close to the sun until they run into it and drop themselves out of SC. Should stop the ones that follow you to outposts and zone into the outpost instance with you and then start scanning.

Weapon firing/assault violations are inconsequential. And will save you 1-2 hours down the drain.

*Cant remember the name for it and I'm watching Black Flag :p
There seems to be three types of place

1. Completely unpatrolled factory type base. Landing pads outside - easy stuff
2. Patrolled versions of the above - very hard
3. Letter box type places. Always line up facing the letter box at about 12km. Boost and full throttle. At 7km, request docking. Boost again. Slow down and put out landing gear to help reduce speed about 100m from letter box. Easy stuff usually.

People on Reddit are saying that if you get a constant cop on your ass in supercruise, logout. Kinda ruins it but apparently the AI are bugged

Nah, you don't have to log out. You can jump to a nearby star. When you come back the feds won't be there.
Ok, after several months I'm thinking of re-installing. Previously I spent time running purely Fed missions (assasination and courier) and frustratingly enough saw my rank in some instances have a down arrow despite no mission failures. Was this a bug and if so is it fixed now? It almost became a second job last time, not looking to repeat the feeling.
Best way to rank up is to go to certain systems like Taribes and just do all the donation missions, relog to menu then back into game to get more charity missions until you hit 100% rank then relog for promotion missions.

Thanks for the tips, will try the unfurling* next time to see if that works, I would have done the boost to the letter box, but came into the station at the worst angle and obviously got too close.

Picked up a bunch of courier and cargo missions, still came a way with about 4-5mil.
Mixed day here.
Spent part of my afternoon in a wing with my 8 year old son. He just wants to shoot stuff. So I backed him up in his Sidewinder (he is VERY new to the game), whilst I kept an eye on things in my FAS. Was a very easy way to run up combat bounties for him in at a Nav Beacon. He made enough cash to have a pretty decent, if not top spec Eagle. Should have him in a Viper later this week.

This evening, just went for a mooch about in my Python. I'd fitted it out for mining, which I tried yesterday. Far more fun when you have a decent sized ship. Last time I was in a Cobra. Then went for a spin in my SRV to understand the equivalent of mining by finding rocks on a moon. Didn't find anything of value, but did find enough to fully repair and refuel the SRV. So made bugger all cash, but had a delightful time just driving around for a while admiring the view. I'd turned on my ships lights yesterday and when I re-called it for pick up, looked ace.
Did the Robigo Run in my Asp yesterday. Took me about 3h and I made about 20million before getting scanned on my last 4 missions.

In all the Credits per hour is comparable to 3k loops in a T7, just that the credit gain is gradual vs sudden with slave smuggling.
I'm up to about 78mil on Robigo missions now, usually 17/20 hops drop a few then back to Robigo, will do another run tonight that should see me over 100mil if I can get them all in, swapped out my 64t fuel for 64t cargo then swapped the scoop out for a fuel tank, 17 jumps before I need to refuel sits me just about on the end of my range so just have to make sure my first drop is to a low risk destination, fuel up again then do the rest...
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