*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

I'd be a little cautious about the Conda for trading, if you're going to use it on missions. Not saying it can't do it, but as it's Large, it can't go to outposts. Might not sound a big deal, but I'm finding it annoying with my Clipper, and am using the Python again for medium distance missions (upto 80LY).
Just rage quit from Elite Dangerous - So infuriating! Tried another Planetary mission looking for an escape pod - Looked for a good hour and a half and only came across sentry turrets and a tonne of rocks to destroy. Abandoned the mission and took another mission to visit another planet - Got the right system, and there wasn't a planet to even land on!! I looked for another hour, went to every docking station in the system, nothing...

Getting buyers remorse on Horizons :(
Just rage quit from Elite Dangerous - So infuriating! Tried another Planetary mission looking for an escape pod - Looked for a good hour and a half and only came across sentry turrets and a tonne of rocks to destroy. Abandoned the mission and took another mission to visit another planet - Got the right system, and there wasn't a planet to even land on!! I looked for another hour, went to every docking station in the system, nothing...

Getting buyers remorse on Horizons :(

The pilot missions are just luck of the draw about finding it quickly or not. Last time was the most lengthy for me, probably around 30 mins, so you were VERY unlucky.

Never had a problem finding a planet, but that's because I use an ADS in all my transport ships.

As for horizons, well as pointed out, you didn't pay for what you can presently do. You paid for that, and ALSO the other three planned releases for this year.
Just rage quit from Elite Dangerous - So infuriating! Tried another Planetary mission looking for an escape pod - Looked for a good hour and a half and only came across sentry turrets and a tonne of rocks to destroy. Abandoned the mission and took another mission to visit another planet - Got the right system, and there wasn't a planet to even land on!! I looked for another hour, went to every docking station in the system, nothing...

Getting buyers remorse on Horizons :(

I keep leaving Elite Ponderous for months at a time before thinking I should try the latest update to see if they fixed the poor mission system or the fact the game is about as fun as having a crap day job. The last time I tried it I had a mission to find an escape pod and spent over an hour trying to find the correct planet. It seems the missions system is still beyond a joke.

Thanks for saving me the hassle of trying this quarter :D
I feel smug, when Horizons was announced it would crap and planetary landings was a complete waste of effort. It didnt go down well 6 months on totaly vindicated. IT really is crap.
so i tried to launch elite horizons last night, turns out steam has lost my install, files are there on the disk but steam doesn't see them. downloaded all of them again last night and tried to launch today, still doesn't see them. Any one have any experience with the likes of this?
so i tried to launch elite horizons last night, turns out steam has lost my install, files are there on the disk but steam doesn't see them. downloaded all of them again last night and tried to launch today, still doesn't see them. Any one have any experience with the likes of this?

If you click on that, it'll give you an ED downloader. Download that, install (takes seconds to download), then run, which results in a pretty big download. Run ED from the new icon that you've allowed to be installed on your desktop. Works fine, if not under Steam.
Can’t wait to try Elite it’s been sitting there since I backed it day one on KS. The original Elite was my fav when I was a kid and this looks stunning. I guess you get what you put in. Watched a guy flying down a valley with friends then landing and they all went for a drive. Fill in some purpose to the mix and it will get very interesting. Add VR Retail and sales of this will go nuts. Buy the time I get round to the new PC and playing this I can see from the notes a lot will be added and addressed like the missions.

Yes the original was the very first 3D space sim but you had to use your imagination with it. You only got to fly one ship and it was just lines. I guess it makes me smugly appreciate how great this new version is.
Well I've spent a couple of hours this weekend in LTT 15574, Trying to find a new hires resource to farm for BH.

Not had the best of lock. Seems harder nowadays. There used to be a decent police presence in Kremainn before the war.

Still made a couple of million taking me upto nearly 16Million in the bank with an A class ViperMk3.

Not sure whether to keep farming BH or try trading.
Are RES the best places to farm for BH then? I always just aim for Nav Beacons. But then I only really do everything a bit casually.

Is the point of RES not mining?
Well I've spent a couple of hours this weekend in LTT 15574, Trying to find a new hires resource to farm for BH.

Not had the best of lock. Seems harder nowadays. There used to be a decent police presence in Kremainn before the war.

Still made a couple of million taking me upto nearly 16Million in the bank with an A class ViperMk3.

Not sure whether to keep farming BH or try trading.

Do both. Good to vary things.
Are RES the best places to farm for BH then? I always just aim for Nav Beacons. But then I only really do everything a bit casually.

Is the point of RES not mining?

You can happily mine in RES points. However, at the more hazardous sites, it's also where a lot of pirates will go. So if you fancy bounty hunting, they're even better places to go than Nav points. The ability of the ships is directly related to the hazard level. Go to a hazardous one and you'll find ships upto and including Anacondas.
Bought in on this a long time ago. Got to a well equipped conda, smuggling asp and a viper for hack and slash.

Bought into horizons and so far failed to be that excited by the SRV element of the game.

Problem is I'm really running out of motivation. Just spent an hour on a smuggling run from robigo, made about 10million from the 3 missions I had but not inspired to do it again.

Just get so bored of jump, scoop, jump with the very occasional interdiction to deal with (submit, boost, bosst, jump).

So come on - give me ideas !
A few options that spring to mind:
1. Learn how to mine and make money
2. Practice some exploration, or if you know how to, go do a 10k LY run and scan every planet along the way
3. Sight see at the barnacles
4. Do something for your power and make rank 5
5. Up your trading or combat rank
6. Try to fly everything in game
Bought in on this a long time ago. Got to a well equipped conda, smuggling asp and a viper for hack and slash.

Bought into horizons and so far failed to be that excited by the SRV element of the game.

Problem is I'm really running out of motivation. Just spent an hour on a smuggling run from robigo, made about 10million from the 3 missions I had but not inspired to do it again.

Just get so bored of jump, scoop, jump with the very occasional interdiction to deal with (submit, boost, bosst, jump).

So come on - give me ideas !

Join a group. See if the fuel rats are recruiting etc. Find your story in the system. Last night me and this dude strayed into hostile territory (his usual BH spot, but Hudson controlled and I'm Patreus) and this cmdr in a corvette flattens us both. I had the cash to burn so cue me going to get my python and us trying to get this guy who is also hunting the intruders (us). Turns out a python and an asp are no match for a well kitted out corvette! Still, plenty of fun!

I now have my anaconda and am doing one or two more smuggling runs in my asp to get it up to scratch before I decide what to do next. Maybe head back to that system and see how a python and anaconda fare against that corvette as we've both now upgraded our ships. Might even try to steal that system for patreus!

Yes, it can be a grind if you decide to grind, and that can be a ballache. If you want something fun to do, try doing a cut the power mission in your srv. You'll have turrets and skimmers all over you like a rash! Or, tonight I dropped into a conflict zone to test out the new anaconda and an imperial capital ship Warped in. And man it was an entrance and a half. No zipping in like a normal ship. It tore a hole in reality with lightning and smoke and stuff. It was IMMENSE. I actually was streaming so you can see my face while I watch this monster of a ship drop in. It's pretty funny to watch back!

In fact, skip to 1m. I was so blown away my face tics were going a bit nuts, but the awe is genuine.

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So come on - give me ideas !
I'd take Devrij's advice and wing up and play cooperatively for a while.

I'm coming towards then end of another long exploration trip; once I get back I plan to take a decent length break from this game and then come back and try out some multiplayer action myself :)
I might get a cheap disposable ship and try some roleplay in open. Spend most of my time in Mobius so not a lot of interaction.

Love Isinoa's story telling - might try to use that as inspiration.

Cheers guys !

As for rank 5 - even that seems like a grind - either take cargo or kill 'enemies' for ever to get the 10,000 merits.
I had seen the one posted off of earth, but I had no idea they could make a dramatic entrance like that. It looks like you could actually fight it too. It was in a wing of ten and I wanted to level up with empire so I didn't try though. Might be a fun job with a full wing though
I might get a cheap disposable ship and try some roleplay in open. Spend most of my time in Mobius so not a lot of interaction.

Love Isinoa's story telling - might try to use that as inspiration.

Cheers guys !

As for rank 5 - even that seems like a grind - either take cargo or kill 'enemies' for ever to get the 10,000 merits.

Do it in your most expensive ship. It's more exciting when the stakes are high! And the most exciting MP gameplay for me has been pirating players as a wing. That's fun as hell. Delight in their cries of anguish!

As you rank up with the powers you get more votes so you can help shape the political layout of the galaxy. Go with patreus, we need the bodies! Try to think of the journey rather than the goal. Otherwise whatever you are doing is just a grind to get there.

Definitely get a wing together (I'm on most nights with another dude or two) and kick ass together.
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