The official funny video thread

This is not so funny but very impressive. Watch this five year old go.
Ahh it's good to know there is still yonger hardcore around that don't need cheats it's a very rare thing to see these days. :D
OH man there's a great video on youtube about an angry BT customer but there's to much swearing in it for me to give a direct link to it so just go browes for it you should find it easly enought it's so funny.
This is what I ment to post

Dam cut and past I'm oh so sorry about that. Someone posted that last video on ogrish. I was angry when I saw that too. :(
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Believe me I love cats to I also have two cats and I also have a dog which I love loads. The title to the tread that video was in was called something like cat soup I didn't know what to expect.

Ogrish are know for gore but there's a lot of intresting things their too which you just read about anywhere else.
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