screen on time? and brightness % - were you mobile web browsing?
16h35min batt at 54%
Screen on for 1hour
5% with no signal
Texts, phone calls Engadget.
screen on time? and brightness % - were you mobile web browsing?
Download it from google & flash it manually - Job done
I would, but I'm reading about issues surfacing with the 4.0.4 update and wondering if Google pulled it from OTA updates for this reason.
Automatic brightness f t w?live wall paper will reduce battery life a little and can cause slight lag, getting your brightness set correctly is properly the best battery saver
Thanks I'll have a read I like your site URLI've done a few articles on battery saving -
In the first paragraph there are links to a couple of other articles, although they are a little old now
Automatic brightness f t w?