Mine not updating it said my iOS is up to date :s
Have to download from the developer center.
Look like I have wait for public release
Getting it now thanks!
If you happen to have an iPhone 4S, could you tell me (in trust if wanted) the MD5 hash of GM for the 4S?
Anyone with the GM, could you screenshot a few things for me?
I'd like to see the maps app (Now that this is pretty much the public release), around London.
And I'd also like to see Passbook, if that is in this version
Trying to get in but no luck at the moment.
Downloading 1.07GB of goodness now. This is going to take a while.
If any official dev gets the 4S ipsw can they confirm an MD5 checksum of 3aa6a9de159025b6b318e89f35647fc3?
Give me a second I am downloading it now will MD5 it for you!
iPhone 4S MD5 is:
iPhone 4 MD5 is:
You're a good man. I MD5'd the wrong file, it should actually be e145b74b35bf789f82641f987d93e876