Finally Apple updated the 24” iMac.
I disagree with the latter there - They really focussed on the speed difference between the M1 and the M3, they glossed over the difference between the M2 and the M3 because it's not actually very much in comparison.It looks like they are releasing the M3 chips early because Mac sales are down. Apple think this is due to not much difference between M1 and M2
The iMac Pro was discontinued some years ago. Apple have simply confirmed that they’re not working on a 27” iMac. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be another larger iMac, either 30” or 32”.And after its just come out that the imac pro 27 has been scrapped,
That's an awful article. For example, two headlines, one after another.
You'll be waiting forever. Apple have said it's dead.I am hoping a return of the 27''