*** The Official OcUK Recipe Book ***



27 Dec 2011
Surrey, UK
What is this?!
The Official OcUK Recipe Book serves as a databank for those wanting to try out the recipes created or tweaked by other OcUKers. No recipes should be copied from other websites (eg BBC/GoodFood etc); they should all be at least somewhat tweaked from the original to add your own style and imagination!

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To add your recipe to the recipe book, simply reply to the thread using the template below. 1 recipe = 1 new post.
[COLOR="Yellow"][SIZE="6"][DISH NAME] by [user][/SIZE][/COLOR]


Dish description.

[*]List of ingredients
[*]List of ingredients.

[B]Extra equipment you may need:[/B][/COLOR]
E.g. blowtorch, slow cooker, blender, etc

Detailed preparation guide.
[*]Step by step.
[*]Step by step.

Additional information regarding dish. E.g. Tips, tricks & observations.

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Commenting & Reviewing Recipes
This is a forum, so feel free to chat and review other recipes, good or bad. There is only one rule; please only quote the title of the recipe, so that the thread doesn't become unnecessarily long and spammy.
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Carolina Pulled Pork by DcD





Shredded Carolina pulled pork done low 'n' slow in any average slow cooker. Perfect for winter when it's a bit too cold to be firing up an outdoor grill!


  • Medium/Large Pork Shoulder

    DRY RUB:
  • 2 tablespoons salt
  • tablespoons sugar
  • 1 handful brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons ground cumin
  • 3 tablespoons chili powder
  • 2 tablespoons freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoon cayenne pepper
  • 8 tablespoons paprika

    Mop sauce:
  • 2 tablespoons salt
  • Half a cup of tomato ketchup
  • A generous helping of Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/4 cup Apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 handful brown sugar
  • Mild chilli flakes
  • A small amount of hickory liquid smoke, if you can get it.

Extra equipment you may need:

Slow cooker.


Blend all the dry rub ingredients together in a bowl. Remove some excess fat and skin from pork shoulder with a sharp blade. Rub the mixture generously all over the pork, seal in cling film or preferably an air tight large food bag in the fridge; the longer the better (overnight?).

Preheat slow cooker to low setting. Mix together mop sauce in a new bowl. Place pork shoulder in slow cooker, chopping into smaller pieces if required. Gently pour over the mop sauce, being careful not to wash off the dry rub, which after a few hours should have started to cause the pork to sweat and will now be stuck to the meat.

Cook on low for ~8 hours, again, the longer the better, until the pork breaks apart with a fork and can no longer hold its own weight when picked up by the end (it should split apart into fibres).

Drain off the liquid from the slow cooker into a bowl, don't throw it away. Shred apart the pork into fibre strands. Then, re-add about half the liquid to make it moister again. Serve in buns with barbecue sauce, coleslaw and fries!


Easy to reheat in the microwave, though shouldn't be stored for more than a fews days in the fridge.


Search tags (seperated by space):
America American slow cook low slow pork Carolina pulled pork BBQ
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