The Official OCZ EB PC4000 2GB OC Thread

27 Jan 2005
Expat in HK
Another thread in the same vain as the G.Skill stuff. Just bought some of this 2GB magic only but a few minutes ago. :)

Post your timings, volts, and speeds; along with motherboard used.

Great! I will try 2-3-2-7 1T 200MHz tomorrow. All my parts came today BUT no damn cable sleeve kit for my Seasonic S12! I know I should've gone with the Hiper R-Type. ;) (Seasonic > Hiper bar NO sleeve kit! :D)

Anyway I should get my rig up and running tomorrow. :)
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WOW! Stock volts, BOO-YAH! Where are my damn PSU sleeves, i cant' wait another day!

Double Wow, so you think those Hitachi's are faster in realtime than your Raptor 150GB?

IF so, i want some.. NOW!
I've been running all day @ 3-3-2-8 1T @ 2.7v with my CPU at 250x11 @ 1.4v w/ overvolt 0.2v. :)

I'm checking my CPU out first though. Will Attempt to get the memory down to 2.5CAS soon.
I can do 3-3-2-5 up to 261FSB STABLE. For some reason they won't do 2.5CAS on anything above 250FSB though. :(

Those sticks look good to me though. :)

CAS2 =<200FSB, CAS2.5 =<250FSB, CAS3 =<300FSB
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I agree with these guys, i can run 2-3-2-5 1T @ 200MHz and 3-3-2-5 1T @ 250, but can only hit 261MHz stable opposed to smids 270MHz. Would that mean its CPU limited?

What is the highest you can get 2-3-2-5 1T smids, anyone else?
Aye, so what are you presently running? I take i should do better with 260FSB @ 3-3-2-5 rather than 210FSB @ 2-3-2-5?
Not really, if it reports errors at the specified timings then get a replacement as soon as ya can. A BIOS switch will do little to change the memory.

Post your specifications just so we can go over them; CPU, Mobo, etc.
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If you are using the specified memory timings using the *default* settings in the BIOS and it is showing errors, it's faulty. Simple as that. As aforementioned, a new BIOS will do little to change the memory at default settings.

Good luck.
The matter of 1T vs 2T gets debated frequently and often with no resolution of an outcome. Many have stated that there is a huge or big drop in performance when running 2T over 1T Command Rate timing, but the performance difference is talked to be around 0-15%. Use 1T if it is stable.
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