The Open 2006

18 Oct 2002
Nr. Liverpewl
Today is the official start of the Open. I've been out trying to pap any celebs but I can't see them. Its damn annoying when I hear people like Harrison Ford, George Clooney, Madonna and Johnny Depp are casually walking around 10 mins from where I live. I don't intend on sitting on a bench all day hoping someone goes past. I went to a practice day instead, 33c and £25 to get in. I just about got a shot of Tiger Woods.


Tiger and his crowd.



Comedy timing


Nick Faldo shoots


Girl vacuums the course
Fstop11 said:
Very good. I was supprised you were allowed to be where the pros were all lay down? Some sort of friend to friend pass ?

When I was at the Hotel all the Formula 1 Drivers were exiting cars and helis to get into I had storms of people just stick a bloody compact right in your view.

"images of scoring a home run from smacking a compact out of some punks hands!" :D

I was just behind the baricade. Thats as close as I ever got. When Tiger finally appeared he just got swamped. I was hand holding my 100-400 waving it around hoping to god that it would get something.
iam said:
Absolutely superb shot - nice work :)

Thanks. I never ever shoot into the sun, it generally never works but with a bit of tweaking in Photoshop it worked perfectly. Really happy with that shot.
Combat squirrel said:
Is that done thanks to your HDR guide or just levels in photoshop ? id love to get colours like that in my shots, Outstanding work ! :)

I think I did a gradient soft light layer on the top to darken the sky. Adjusted the contrast a bit and used the dodge tool to bring out the ground. I probably also adjusted the levels too to increase the shadows.
Slime101 said:
Some good shots there Pete, however i dont think they work very well at angles, its not a racing car, its a person!! (Is nick faldo standing on the side of a mountain whilst taking that shot??)

Wha? I've done people at angles before. You could apply the same to cars. Are they racing down a 45 degree hill? ;) I kinda know what you mean and I think the angle was just a bit too much but hey I think it still looks nice :)
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