The "original" Far Cry game.

21 Oct 2002
Bexhill on sea
I picked this up from Steam a few days ago on a wave of nostalgia and I'd forgotten just how hard this game is. I played it when it first came out and spent many hours ploughing my way through the levels. It runs like a charm now (as it should too) but back in the day it was a bit of a system killer before Crysis 1 came out.
The graphics are primitive to say the least, but the game play is still as good now as it was then, and the difficulty, even on easy, is still surprising, you can't go in all guns blazing as it were, you last a few seconds then thats it, boom, dead. you've gotta be a bit sneaky. I also love some of the audio, "I'm gonna shoot you in the face" always raises a smile when I hear it:p.
Anyone else remember this game?
I'm at that level having just flown the hang glider to the other shore line, had a about 4 goes at it as the enemy helo kept having a go at me. I'm at the outskirts of the camp now. Great fun so far even if the graphics are "pants" when compared to today's offerings, its the game play that better then than it is now.
I'm running it on the pc in my sig, no probs at all, I'm seeing over 250 fps sometimes, so I reckon it might be prudent to stick Vsync on, and it runs fine at 1440p which I'm gaming on now but it does look a bit stretched but I can live with that, and I'm on Windows 10 64bit.:)
I don't remember it being too difficult when I first played, not easy but not impossible.

I've got the steam version now and it feels like the games broken, bad guys can hit you from anywhere, LOS and cover make no difference, everyone in the map irrespective of location can and does shoot at you.Even in the corridor sections they shoot through the walls. It's like playing against a team of hackers.

I'm sure it wasn't always like this, it's not fun.

Now you mention it, that explains a lot. I'm trying to get into the camp (following the hang glider trip) and even if I'm inside one of the tents or sheds, that helicopter gunner still seems to be able to shoot through the walls and hit me. Looks like I'll have to take the gunner out before going any further. I don't recall this happening when I played this game from a disc yonks ago. Still, makes it more rewarding when you finish a level.
I'm still ploughing my way through this, I'm at the "steam" level at last. There was one preceding part to it that took forever to get through, I really didn't have enough health but I found if you're sneaky and crawl around on you stomach where needed, then you can complete the level, going in all guns blazing deffo does not work!:)
And I hate the Trigens, fast powerful and only takes a coupla hits to kill you.
What resolutions are ppl using for this game? I can't decide on 1280 x 1024 (nice crisp image, geometries look right but aspect is 4:3) or a widescreen where it looks nice but circles are "oval" and everything looks stretched.
God this game gets harder and harder as you progress, immense fun though and puts a lot of modern games to shame in playability and framerates are off the scale as it were.

Still hate those Trigens though:mad:
I've just got the part where you use the hang glider for the second time and scoot down to the beach. To say its hard is an understatement, I'm going to have to find the optimum route to take for this level, no matter where I go theres always one of those big grunts blocking the way with a few of those Trigens.
Really enjoying this though, as said earlier, puts lots of modern games to shame.
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