The Original Quake NIN Soundtrack - Help

19 Nov 2004
I asked about this years ago but never got a response. When Quake was released as shareware, it came with some of the soundtracks from NIN, but specifically on the shareware version, it had a track that I cannot find anywhere on any of the OST's released. Its quite a thumping sound track with pretty heavy electric guitar riffs - very different to the other tracks from the full game.
Does anyone else recall this track? Anyone know where I can find it other than trying to track down a shareware CD? Please help me :)
Not wanting to insult your intelligence but a quick google seems to show a page with a downloadable Quake shareware CD ISO. Is this not exactly what you need? I would link it but not sure if it is allowed.
Not wanting to insult your intelligence but a quick google seems to show a page with a downloadable Quake shareware CD ISO. Is this not exactly what you need? I would link it but not sure if it is allowed.

I've downloaded a few of them and can't find the track. Was hoping someone on here might have remembered the track or perhaps the magazine that issued the shareware with that specific track. It was not included in the full game from what I remember.
Not wanting to insult your intelligence but a quick google seems to show a page with a downloadable Quake shareware CD ISO. Is this not exactly what you need? I would link it but not sure if it is allowed.

If the game used CD audio (as many of the time did) the downloadable ISOs often lack this and/or have an updated soundtrack bundled later.

EDIT: Is it the tune that sounds more like the Quake 2 music than the rest of the Q1 soundtrack? (Though I believe that is by Sonic Mayhem and not NIN).
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If I remember correctly, quite a large number of tracks were a NIN / Rob Zombie collaboration. Those I find to be the actually good tracks. I've got the whole lot on 4 CDs, but I'm only home at the weekend. As they're shareware, I can upload them for you. Just let me know if you're still interested, or if you've found them by Sunday. Just from memory I'm not quite sure if those RZ tracks were for Quake 1 or 2. And reading the previous post it might have been RZ / Sonic Mayhem. Anyways, just let me know.
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