The outcome from my earlier thread....

OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Hi there

Well for those of you who saw my earlier thread which I've now removed.

Storey cut short is the dealer who sold me my car had sourced a used PSE system for me and had agreed to get it fitted by a Porsche specialist they use regular as the quality of work tends to be superb. What you'd expect from a specialist who has been going nearly 30 years and builds race cars. So I thought I was in safe hands.

As it turns out the PSE install on my car was pretty shocking, so shocking I had another Porsche Specialist write a full report and take photos which I emailed to my selling dealer who agreed it was not done with reasonable care and skill.

So the selling dealer took all the evidence today to the Specialist who had done the work, it was the owner who looked over all this evidence and was shocked and appalled by what he had seen and embarrased it got released from his workshop without a QC check.

The owner of the specialist in question has apologised hugely to both myself and the selling dealer, plus the selling dealer confirms they have never seen such poor work before from this specialist before and is why they recommend and use them, as they have always been very good.

The reason my car seemed to be the exception is because 3 weeks ago the specialist employed a new mechanic and it was this new mechanic who did the work on my car. The specialist understand although they should have checked this new persons work, in this case they were unable to do so and it so happened to be my car.

The results are is that this new person was fired this morning on the spot and is now out of a job and a full refund has been agreed and I get to keep the PSE. Which results in I have more than enough money to cover the repair cost of my car and should be in pocket by quite a bit.

I am happy to accept this, yes I've been inconvienced but now everything has calmed down I am confident its the truth, although I've not met the owner in person of the specialist I do trust and believe the owner of the company who sold me the car and he assures me this specialist is very good and he truly was just as shocked.

So the specialist in question does indeed have a good reputation and because they value their good reputation the offending new member of staff has been fired and I am going to be issued a full refund. Tomorrow the selling dealer is going to collect a cheque from the specialist for the refund to themselves and on Wednesday the selling dealer shall refund my debit card the full amount.

I think that even though things went wrong intially, the job on my car, myself posting about it on the web, but I feel the specialist has done the right thing and they hold their reputation dearly and have made sure to keep me happy by refunding the selling dealer who have never put foot wrong in my oppinion and acted very quickly on getting this resolved for me.

So according to the specialist and the selling dealer, the specialist have a good reputation and this is a one off and they are keen to keep their reputation in a positive light and as such have made a quick decisions to remove the offending member of staff and refund the selling dealer so they can refund me. The selling dealer have been nothing but excellent since I purchased the car.

In the end both companies have dealt with a problem very quickly and I am a happy punter. For me as long as I get my refund this where it ends and I have no reason to take things further. My car shall be returned to more than perfect at my chosen specialist or OPC and I shall be quids in. So for me as long as I get my refund the subject is closed and those involved have provided good service, apologised, taken appropiate action and shown themselves in a good light by dealing with this to my satisfaction and quickly. :)
Unable to do so? They had it for more than 2 days and nobody with a clue could have so much as a cursory glance at it? Smells like rotten eggs to me.

It's good that you are getting an outcome that you are happy with. I'm a little confused though, you are getting your car returned to perfect condition by them, a full refund, and a bodged up PSE?

To clarify:-

1. I am getting a full refund for all the work they did, PSE, Petrol cap seal, hose clamps, brackets etc. Full refund even though the only issue was PSE install.
2. That means I shall have all my money back.
3. Which means I can then take my car to my desired specialist and get them to do the work.

So what I shall be doing is buying new TIPS from OPC, wiring harness, trim panel fasteners/clips etc, about £500-£600 in parts. I shall then give my car to Mike at who shall completely repair my PSE and remove any broken/damaged items and replace with brand new items, including a set of brand new shiny tips. :)
Great news Gibbo. Hold on tho, you're getting a full refund, but you're expected to rectify the problem at your expense?

Yes a full refund, but I get to keep the PSE. So I have all my money back and I shall then use that money to repair the car, so its not at my expense because the refund more than covers it.

I am just glad its sorted and has been sorted in less than 24 working hours, so am happy. Yes it should have never happened but both companies have done the right thing and acted fast. :)
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