The Pepsi Cheeto Challenge!

2 Feb 2011

Just tried the Shuwa Shuwa pepsi flavoured cheetos for the first time.

My verdict: Unusual....but actually not that bad.

They kinda fizz and tingle a bit on the tongue and the flavour is definetely pepsi, but almost like pepsi if it had been fried. Or something like that anyway :p

I doubt I would get them again, but they were definetely worth trying and I will be able to finish off the bag, which is actually a fairly big one.

Anyone else tried these? :D
Anyway, what is the challenge exactly?

Eating them I suppose. Not the scariest food to eat by any stretch of the imagination, but still pretty weird :p

That's not exactly one bag of crisps though is it. 27.5-30g is one "bag" of crisps.

Its a 75g bag.

It's about 800 cal I bet, which equates to half the calorie intake if one is on a diet (if you are eating 20% less calorie less a day).

414 calories according to the back of the bag. I only managed to eat about a third of the packet and then I had to stop. The flavour kinda gets overpowering after the first handful. I think I might just put the rest in a little tupperware box and see if I can coax my work colleagues into eating them on Monday.
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