I did ask for PACE to be read to me where it states public photography is an arrestable offense and which allows a doorman to detain me. I'm still waiting.
Well it has been taken to IV Photographic which is a dept of forensics.
But the fact remains they have in thier possesion my only means of work, sooo it's not like they just seize a lorry or a shop and there be no repercussions if proven not guilty. the longer they have it the more it is costing me and i suppose themselves. I either loose out or have to at my own expense hire a dSLR, it's lucky that i didn't have a wedding on this weekend isn't it.....
'With the involvement of a solicitor etc. the police are now in a position where they could in effect be on trial and as such a prosecution and defense could call upon whatever they feel they need to prove guilt or innocence.'
You could look at it that way but.. i am the accused and i have right to defend myself through a solicitor...