The Police and Photographers

I was in a long doorman type jacket but with just jeans and shirt, he has same but just a dark suede jacket but remember we also also had two large dSLRs one with a SB600 flash and the other 580EX (both still in the cop shop)

25 and 24 (i think)
Thing is.. Police CCTV was on the club at the time as they cops called coppers on radio link for drunk dude. I think i even have a pic of it pointing at me.
Yeah It's a Sankdisk Ultra so should be able to recover the images fine, unless the Cops IV Photographic Department tamper with it.

The worst thing about it is.. (if it can be any worse) a 70mm-200mm 2.8 L IS had arrived and was waiting for me when i got back this morning... with only a film SLR to stick it onto, great! That was just icing on the cake! :rolleyes:
Broadbandplacey said:
so youve still not got your camera?

its got to be an official police complaint. demanding who the officers were and exactly what they were up to?

and to get your kit back, they cant keep it!

Done and Done, solicitor is writing it up today..

"I would press charges both against the police (if possible) and the bouncer"

He said the issue with the police should be sorted (arrest/equipment) first then see about anyone else, i just hope that the polis took details off bouncer..

Found out sommat new .. in Scotland they can hold you without charge but only have to inform your solicitor who cannot see you in that time, (just to mack sure your time in custody is being kept right) and can keep you for 6 hours.
Whereas in Englandshire you guys can be held for 72 hours without charge but can have your solicitor present.. pros and cons for both if you think about it.
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I did ask for PACE to be read to me where it states public photography is an arrestable offense and which allows a doorman to detain me. I'm still waiting.

Well it has been taken to IV Photographic which is a dept of forensics.

But the fact remains they have in thier possesion my only means of work, sooo it's not like they just seize a lorry or a shop and there be no repercussions if proven not guilty. the longer they have it the more it is costing me and i suppose themselves. I either loose out or have to at my own expense hire a dSLR, it's lucky that i didn't have a wedding on this weekend isn't it.....

'With the involvement of a solicitor etc. the police are now in a position where they could in effect be on trial and as such a prosecution and defense could call upon whatever they feel they need to prove guilt or innocence.'

You could look at it that way but.. i am the accused and i have right to defend myself through a solicitor...
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I got a phone call yesterday (10days after) that i can collect my camera eqiupment, so the lens will be going to local camera repair shop to get checked out as soon as i collect it. Not happy it's taken this long and that i've had no communication from anyone at the cops (bar the collection message)
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