The politically correct folk turn their attentions to Only Fools and Horses?

mmm it was amusing 30 years ago, who cares these days?

I still find Only Fools and Horses funny, but then to be fair, I'm an old fart born from the humour of the 70s and 80s. Cant say that I am at all surprised to see the authors appearance in the photo on the article though. She fits the stereotype of her kind every inch that I fit the stereotype of mine :)
Used to love it, cant watch it these days without cringing though. The article doesn't seem overly critical to be honest.

Times change.

Seems like a very critical article to me..

"To say it was a disaster from the start would only be minutely unfair"

"immediately sets the sinister tone for yet another racist and sexist show."

"And the discrimination only grew worse"

Seems pretty critical. Perhaps I look back at Only Fools with rose tinted glasses, or perhaps I unwisely am protective of a legendary British tv institution (in both the show and the likes of the actors and actresses who took part in it) or just protective of something from my youth that I enjoyed so much or perhaps I'm just tired of university age youths virtue signalling and seeming to actually go looking for things to target, but Only Fools has just never struck me as a tv show that I would label as racist, sexist and full of discrimination.

Perhaps it is and its just that I'm from a generation with different values and dont acknowledge it though.
Just dismiss the whiners and remember it fondly. I won't be watching it again because it will taint my memories. It was from a different time and attitudes have changed for the better.

Thats fair comment..I am out of place in this world today. An outdated dinosaur who has no place in modern society, you're right, I am better to remember it fondly, keep my head down and my opinions quiet and just see my life out as just a guy who is out of time :)
I doubt Allo Allo would be fine these days, with Rene's constant "You stupid woman...." when trying to explain to his wife why another woman had her tongue down his throat...

But more on topic...I'm not sure the Turbinator gag would work these days :p

Allo allo would be a nightmare to try and get made today, I mean it would be considered racist (because of the portrayal of the German characters, the Italian character, the French characters) , sexist because of the attitude toward the women and their portrayal as sex objects, homophobic because of the portrayal of that tank guy (dont remember his name) and about a dozen different charges of cultural appropriation. No tv company would dare make it today.

I'm still rather amazed that the traditional Christmas pantomime is even allowed this year, given the men dressed as women and vice versa and various sexist gags in pantomimes
Congratulations, you have been successfully triggered and achieved exactly what was intended with that article, by sharing links to it and driving traffic to their website.

Can you people not see when you're being so obviously manipulated?

Who says that I am not in on it and am thus the manipulator rather than the manipulatee :D
It would not actually surprise me at all if half these 'woke outrage' forum posts are coming from the websites themselves :p

Its an anarchists dream, stir the pot, watch everyone squabble. Someone makes an article throwing out sexism, racism terms at something popular, manipulating folk into taking an opposing stance, which stirs up those of a like mind, those of a like-mind to the written article stir up, then people who themselves arent triggered step up and say you're being manipulated, without realising that they themselves have been manipulated into saying to others that they are being manipulated, people rise up to counter claims of manipulation and the whole thing blows up into several stirred up groups squabbling and taking pot shots at each other, all for 10 minutes work and effort writing just 1 article. A small bit of anarchy and watch the fires grow :)
We absolutely should teach what the German's did in their Nazi period. In the same way we should absolutely teach kids about the atrocities carried out by the British Empire. I went to school in the 70s and 80s and we weren't taught a single negative thing carried out by the British Empire even though they carried on into the 1960s. German kids are all taught what Nazi Germany did, why aren't our kids taught our shady history?

I'd say its about teaching the balance, you have to teach both sides of it..there is both good and bad that came about from the British Empire, the wrong thing would be to only teach the good or the bad, both are equally bad things to do. Teach the good things and the bad things. Same goes for Nazi Germany really, there are some good things that came about from the Nazi period, FAR outweighed by the bad of course but nevertheless there are still some good things (some quite surprising things if you actually look into it) , teach both good and bad and allow the learner to form their own conclusions imo. But then the education system isnt really about people forming their own conclusions, its more about indoctrination than education.
Allo Allo was one of the worst shows on TV, bloody awful, people only watched it because there were only 3/4 channels back then. :p

Lol, talking of which, it always amuses me when talking to my 20 something kids and their friends, when they are gobsmacked that we only had 3 tv channels and that the tv used to stop at night and wouldnt continue until the next morning. 3 channels? They scream, what did you used to do to pass the time with only 3 channels??? :D
Then you go on YouTube and see the likes of grown ass men talking about comics and video games, and Doctor Who. FKN grow up guys. HeelvsBabyface, Nerdrotic etc.

I've been rewatching Person of Interest these past few weeks, When I first watched it, it was just some light entertainment. On 2nd viewing omg my mind is so full of this SJW carp from YouTube that it's warped how I see the show now.

Just wait until they see that new show where Anne Boleyn is played by a black actress. Those youtubers you mentioned will explode , I can see it now "oh it be ok for a film about Martin Luther King or Muhammad Ali to be made with a white guy playing them?". Theres going to be some pretty hilarious youtube rants around !
I think this point is missed with a lot of the outrage directed at older shows. We're laughing at the character, not with them. You don't look at Alan Partridge and say "I want to be like him", you laugh at him because he's a ******* moron who gets himself into ridiculous situations.

What you might call the Frank Spencer effect.
Do people actively go looking for these opinions just to then (ironically) get triggered?

I'm guessing that some people probably do actively look for them, other people probably just stumble upon them by accident and then comment on them..not really any different to how some people probably actively look for threads where people have commented on them and then comment themselves and other people, like yourself, stumble across the thread where someone has commented on them and feel the need to comment on the commentors. Thats the internet for you in a nutshell really, a bunch of people commenting on stuff and a bunch of people commenting on people commenting on stuff and then another bunch of people commenting on people commenting on people commenting on stuff :D
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