The Pope Says the Catholic Church is the Only True Church

Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
Christian communities and churches that are not part of the Roman Catholic order are either defective or not true, with salvation being impossible outside of Catholicism - that's the latest controversial proclamation by Pope Benedict XVI.

The Pope was reinforcing interpretations of the the Second Vatican Council, a set of meetings which modernised the Catholic church. Legitimate churches must have a lineage which goes back to Christ's apostles, the Vatican believes.

The World Alliance of Reformed Churches, which represents 75 million Protestants across the globe, is unhappy with the statement. "It makes us question whether we are indeed praying together for Christian unity," it said.
I went to a Catholic funeral yesterday and what an experience that was.
I've attended many Christian funerals and vicars normally spend a lot of time talking about the deceased and its amazing what you learn about people.
You have a couple of hymns and a small religious speech but mostly its about the deceased at a Christian funeral.
Not so this Catholic one - basically they mentioned the bloke once and then spent the next hour preaching.
C'mon Catholics - think about the dead.
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