The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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some from a set I did recently




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I love my nifty, its so cheap and so good.

I reckon a stop down would have worked with the cats face, his/her eyes are amazing and it would be great to have them as sharp.

I love my nifty, its so cheap and so good.

I reckon a stop down would have worked with the cats face, his/her eyes are amazing and it would be great to have them as sharp.

I think you are right, low light was the killer though, was pushing it at iso 1600. I tried to get him with MF too but he moves around too much and the DOF at that range is tiny it seems!

Damn that's sharp! Is that cropped at all?
My 50mm isn't that sharp? :(

Yep, 2nd pic is cropped. Sharpened slightly and saturation boosted a tad.
close up of a peacock taken about an hour ago

nifty fifty


and wifey on the walk - shame about the slightly busy background

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A rather tired guide dog puppy "Queenie" after her first day at my parents house.


(Pity the focus is more on her nose rather than her eyes, I think I need more practice with manually focusing a manual focus 50mm f/2.8 lens)
Spotted these little fellas sitting in the shade with their mother across the lake in Sefton Park a couple of days ago, lighting conditions were difficult though:

A few from our day out to Lauriston Castle the other Edinburgh. In the background of the first pic is Cramond Island. You can just make out one of the old WW2 gun emplacements/bunkers on the left hand tip there. Hopefully going to stay the night out there again soon in the hope the old bunkers could make for some good pics with a couple of flashes. There are still a few structures from the war there but more than's just good to have a whole island to yourself while the tide is in. :D




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