The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Would the high ISO make the image all speckly with noise? This one has iso800 with 30sec exposure. The stars are bright, but still cannot get enough light without having a grainy picture.

You need a remote switch (pref with timer) and to use bulb exposure mode to go past 30s and then stick with the lowest ISO you have. Your second shot is more affected by light polution than air temp. Btw.
Shaggy, most star shots are quite bad quality if you crop in, I wouldnt worry about it too much. I would say that you need to get further away from the light pollution and try a higher ISO, the sky is clearer when its cold but it can still be very clear on warmer night. If you go longer than 30 seconds your stars will turn into star trails, which may be what youre after, maybe not.

What camera, lens are you using? Some cameras are going to give worse high ISO performance than others and some lenses let in less light thats why I use a D7000, it has very nice high ISO performance along with an f2.8 wide angle lens to capture more light.
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in my experience over the past few weeks trying its really down to 2 elements, get as far away from town and light pollution and get decent glass!

ive got d300 which is very good same as d7000 at high iso performance, but my lens is pants:( and jsut not gone far enough from the pollution.

i will be buying the tokina 11-16mm in next few weeks and then going far far away from town! somewhere like Stonehenge.
What kind of camera settings are needed to take star photographs as they seem very interesting and i wouldnt mind having a try of it.
My camera is a Fujifilm S200EXR bridge camera, so it is limited in it's capability, such as unable to set the exposure past 30secs. I'm hoping it will be clear later so I can nip to the local beach and try from there. I will also try pushing the ISO higher than 400 without sacrificing quality.
Would the high ISO make the image all speckly with noise? This one has iso800 with 30sec exposure. The stars are bright, but still cannot get enough light without having a grainy picture.


Take 30 x 30 second photos with something like 10-20 seconds between (allows the amp to cool on the DSLR). Then align & stack to increase the signal to noise ratio.

Stars over Swanmore by Adam Bolwell, on Flickr

So, after standing in a field for 2 hours trying to get some star trails, freezing my butt off i get home to find i'd shot them all on iso 25000!!!! instead of 100. To be fair the star trail wouldn't have been that good anyway as the tree moved to much and looked a little rubbish.

But i managed to salvage this shot, the uber high iso brought out all the smallest stars though, every cloud and all that!
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