It's easy. Think in stops.
First, put it in AV and auto ISO (or pick one, it doesn't matter), half press and see what settings it gives you and then work backwards.
for example, lets say it's
ISO 6400
1/10th second.
Clearly if you take that by hand it'll be grainy and blurry. Put it on the tripod and then work the F-stops, one thing at a time. The idea is you can get the time as high as you can, but want the ISO as low as you can as you have a tripod.
Lets stick with F/4 for argument sake.
You then bump ISO to 3200, thats 1 stop. So you need to double your time.
1/10 -> 1/5th
now ISO 1600, hence 1/2 and a half second...that doesn't happen so it's 1/2th second.
ISO 800 then is 1 second
ISO 400 is 2 second
ISO 200 is 4 second
ISO 100 is 8 second.
So, put it in Manual, F/4, ISO 100, 8 seconds. That should be pretty close and if you start with that and then can adjust to 6 seconds or 10 seconds to see.
If you want more DoF then bump it to F/5.6 will be 16 seconds (15 seconds). F/8 would be 30 seconds. Anymore you'll need a remote release and bulb mode.
This is what you have to do if you shoot film. Starts from the top, work your way down.