The power of flight or invisibility?

28 Sep 2004
If you were a superhero and could choose between these two attributes, the ability to fly or be invisible, which would you choose?

I'd probably say invisiblity but then I'm a tad too voyeuristic for my own liking.
Werewolf said:
It depends.

If I chose flying
How high could i fly? As high as you could still breathe fine
How fast could I fly? Faster than you can run but not super speed, say 30mph...
How much could I carry? As much as you can carry now I'd guess
How much effort would be involved? Not much, just jumping and steering yourself, as much as walking.

If I chose Invisibility
Could I turn it on and off at will? Yes
Would I be able to wear clothes, and would they also turn invisible? Yes
Would I be invisible on the more than just the classic visible spectrum? Maybe if you paid to upgrade. I'd say you'd be invisible to the IR spectrum.
Dublove said:
Could i become invisible at will or would it be permanent?

Secondly would it be possible to do some kind of timeshare maybe fly one week and invisible the next?
It's not permanent, just like you wouldn't permanently have to fly, and no swapping :p
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