The Pub

12 Mar 2006

seem to spending a lot of my time at the pub recently!
i need a better lens for such things,
6.3 at 200mm is poo! handheld
and at 1/30th too! silly really!

Camera Model: Canon EOS 20D
Image Date: 2006:08:16 22:00:44
Flash Used: No
Focal Length: 200.0mm
Exposure Time: 0.033 s (1/30)
Aperture: f/6.3
ISO equiv: 1600
Exposure Bias: -1.67
Metering Mode: Matrix
Exposure: program (Auto)

anyone else have some other slighty drunken camera action!?
I quite like that!
Assuming you want to shoot long and faster, you've got problems. Your best bet is a tele prime - but the fast apertures also mean 'oooge lenses, which would make you look like a lemon just going down to the pub.
You seem to be doing quite well as-is. I'm guessing the camera was rested on your own table, so camera shake isn't an issue. Then you're just left with subject movement, and assuming your subjects have had a few, that shouldn't be an issue, either ;)

There are some very compact, very fast wide primes though - not sure how much that tickles your fancy tho'

thanks for something a bit different!
70-200 2.8 is what im after, im trying to save the pennies!

i was leaning my elbows on a table, so still a tad wobbly ( + a few beverages ;) ) couldnt have got the angle otherwise!
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