The race to the top 100...

30 Nov 2002
100 Antecer 17,137 2 Days
101 ThyFlame 16,992 2 Days
102 piggott 16,929 3 Days
103 Joe42 16,341 1 Days
104 Cathal 16,144 1 Days
105 BigDom 15,710 0

Looks like Piggot will get there first but I have about 1500 points due to come in the next 24 hours so 100th or higher will be mine VERY soon :D

Fun chase tho chaps :)
Just been stomped by Big Dom...

I'm looking forward to not having to click on page 2 each time i have a look at my stats. I'm going to have to get to number 11 if i don't want to scroll down tho, which is a pity as my scroll wheel is half broken...

I've finally ordered my new psu and harddisk box, should arrive on thursday or friday. That will allow me to run my main machine 24/7 for a while.
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