The "Rant about a game" thread

20 Mar 2004
Normally when I'm having a bad time in a game, I go to post on it's reddit/forum, the red mist lifts and I delete the post. Main reason is because I know I'm just going to get replies along the lines of being told I'm "salty", or that that I need to "Git Gud!"
99.9% of the time they would be absolutely correct.

But this thread isn't isn't about being logical, this is for ranting.

So share with me, what's annoying you the most in your current game?

War Thunder

I hate and love this game with a passion!
For reference, I only play Arcade Ground Battles.

The grind.
Oh sweet deity the grind! I'm only at BR 4.7, so there's a looooooong way to go to get a modern tank. It can take several nights to get 1 new tank and when you get that new tank, it doesn't have spare parts or a fire extinguisher! What army would save a few quid just to let their tank crews burn to death?
Some tanks start with such **** poor ammo that it's nearly impossible to get a kill.

The maps.
As I start to hit the higher tiers, the map design just seems lazy. One big open map with a few trees for cover, have fun! It becomes a race to get to the capture point 1st, then turns into straight up camping, because it becomes too dangerous to move.

The Planes.
Just like kill streak rewards in CoD (that's another rant).
"Oh you're doing well there, got a few kills? Here have a plane at no cost so you can get more!"
Sure you could pull an AA tank to fight them off, but then you're totally useless against tanks, and AA are not the ultimate counter-measure to planes, not by a long shot.
Bombers can fly so high, they're hard to hit, fighters can get lucky with a strafe run and knock out your entire crew, because all the AA tanks are squishy and have open tops (at my current BR).
If you kill the plane, you get some points, if they get you, you lose your tank/life.

Metro Exodus

After coming away from Red Dead Redemption 2, I have to ask. Who came up with these characters and dialogue?
No one is likeable, the whole romance between Artyom and Anna is nauseating, Miller is so damn clueless you wonder how he got the job in the 1st place. And I'm tired of everyone acting like Artyom is the messiah.
I don't care about any of them and I don't want to help any of them.

I love the gameplay, but the characters and the story put a real damper on things.
Battlefield 4 the half-arsed approach to a lot of the "glue" code and utility functions, etc. that held it all together, which is completely at odds with the graphics effort, would annoy me - so many things that they bodged until they mostly worked and then left them and some odd netcode issues I had with the game I never got to the bottom of.

Battlefield 3

That awful blue tint

Battlefield 4

Infact this might apply to all of the Battlefield games. My memory isn't brilliant but I do remember getting bombed to hell and back in BF1942, even while sat in an AA gun.

I uninstalled Battlefield 4 about 2 weeks ago after a string of bad games, all of which involved planes and helicopters.
The last game was on Rogue Transmission and a player was in an attack jet, think it was a Frogfoot, he was absolutely decimating the game and completely untouchable.
In frustration I got out my stinger, but it was no use. He could attack run and ECM/Flare his way to safety. The only counter was to get into a stealth jet, but sadly my team lacked any capable or willing pilots. To make matters worse, the opposing teams stealth jet was on the ball. Every air battle was 2 vs 1, 3 when ever the attack chopper decided to join in.

I know it takes skill to be a decent pilot, but the lack of competent ground to air counters has annoyed me in pretty much every Battlefield.
World of Tanks : over-powered Soviet tank that never saw production simulator.

Here's me thinking only War Thunder had a Soviet bias.

Battlefield V

Design decisions also seem to be something where dice are seemingly on the troll. Take the Fjell map for instance, a relatively small map that suits infantry combat. But not content with that Dice shoehorns planes into the map (again demonstrating their raging boner for all things air based) and as a result the map is an utter farce. Bombers swooping in spamming bombs getting multiple kills in a single pass (10-15 isn't uncommon) and as a result the map is just an utter ***********. I can only presume whoever made the call for that map to have planes must have had some type of Brain injury prior to the games release.

While i'm on the subject of planes, dog-fighting comes to mind. Has anyone ever played as infantry and watched on the ground in awe at how retarded this looks? You have 2 idiots that "engage" in a "fight" that solely consists of turning circles over and over and over, it's like a sky merry go round and it usually ends when one pilot gets so bored he decided to plough his plane into the ground. And it's rarely ever been any different in bf games, it's just turning wars and nothing else. I've seen this crap go on for minutes at a time and wonder how utterly mind numbingly bored you must be to want to use a Plane in these games in the first place.

And it gets even better than that, you have people coming into servers that are Planes whores that go on opposing teams, then they take the planes and **** off to an area of the map and arrange their own little turning battles making the whole point of a Plane utterly redundant altogether.

I hear ya brother.

War Thunder

Unfortunately I'm playing on my own now, both my mates have quit the game, but I'm persevering, I want my god damn Tiger tank. I KNOW I'm going to be disappointed with it, I've read the guides, it does not hold up well against other heavy tanks, but still I want 1. Only once I get that, will i consider quitting.

Pay to win is testing my patience today though.
I went up against a USA Calliope and it completely totaled us, those god damn rockets were killing me around corners, he was just spamming them through the smoke. It wasn't area denail, it was total devestation.

You can't earn the Calliope, you have to buy it, for 9740 Golden Eagles.
10000 Golden Eagles costs £60.21
Sorry, this wasnt a dig at you.
I just wish people would put their rants all in here instead of moaning when something doesnt work for them in the game thread or asking for help without searching for any answers themselves or trying anything first

No offence taken, if you want to rant, go ahead. :p
Multiple Games

1 hit kills with knives.
If you can sneak up on someone and backstab, then fair enough.
But this running up to player through a hail of bullets and taking them out with knife...

"If you stabbed someone in the chest in real life it would kill them."
"Someone with a knife would have a hard time stabbing me if I just shot them 3 times with an assualt rifle!"
Team Fortress

Not played the game in AGES!
Decided to fire it up and join my favourite server.

I lasted about 20 minutes, most of my deaths were to this.

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