The rise and normalisation of OnlyFans

1 Aug 2005
Based on the news that more NHS workers are leaving their jobs for OnlyFans, what do we think about the rise of this site and people using it more and more to make extra money?

Sign of the times? Empowerment for women? Or something else? Does it cloud realistic expectations among younger people or is that not such a concern as it once was?

I personally think it's a good thing. As I said in the other thread, erotica and pornography used to be looked down upon in the '80s and '90s by some. Now they still are, but to a far lesser extent. The attitudes among the generations have shifted. Access to erotica and pornography participation has grown massively in the 2010s and 2020s, and if people want to make money this way, it doesn't harm anyone and I see nothing wrong with it.

But how sustainable is it for long-term work? Or does it not matter?

Bit of both.
But I don't feel it's much less degrading to work in a dead end 9-5 job and still be in debt.

Or to work for a manager who scolds you because they see you checking your bank balance on a "company computer". **** those people.

This is the same manager who told me off for applying for another job. Quote: "don't do that to me".
@Dirk Diggler noted, the rest of your points. It's preference. I don't have an issue rating people out of ten, clearly. If you do, fine. The point I'd like to address in a little more depth is this one:

The second, pretty much ignored thread of your OP, is the depressing reality that young women see prostitution as a more appealing career prospect than healthcare. If anyone thinks that's acceptable then they're on the path to getting the society they deserve.

It's a much safer form of prostitution that being a sex worker. And it's one where you're less likely to have physical threats, and zero chance of catching an STI. Also, you don't have to answer to any 'pimp' or 'madame' than OnlyFans. And I'm sure that these places are more well-configured to looking after their workers.

As for the "prospects" of working in Healthcare, the NHS is not a good place to work, certainly not currently. The longer one spends in the organisation, the more jaded one gets, we are currently battling a 111 outage and several nationwide systems outages because of a cyberattack hangover which is STILL going on. Staff stress is high [again]. Patient data is all over the place, some lost, some stored on local drives only [you won't hear this on the news], and operations are being delayed because people can't get access to records. COVID hasn't helped. People are terrified of the energy bill increases. Food is getting more expensive. Would I recommend anyone work in healthcare now? No. You go where the money is and do whatever works for you. That is where we are now. Sure, if everyone ducked out then there wouldn't be any healthcare workers, but not everyone is going to go. Just those who have the resourcefulness and opportunity to do something better for themselves at this time, and I personally fully support it. More power to them.
Why is rating someone on looks any really different to rating on intelligence?

If someone is intelligent, they can use it to make money.
If someone looks good they can exploit it to make money.

It isn't even always about looks. People can carve out niches here. They might appear 'ugly' to many. But they are catering for something.

I agree it is society gone wrong. But I don't see much difference to a sports person.

As a society we have a situation where important jobs are valued incredibly low vs superficial jobs. This has always been the case though.

Its much more Obvious now as its shoved in your face. And that jobs only a few years ago that were 'ok' have now become 'pointless' to the worker.

I'm sorry to say this, and I think it's a bit of a clichéd reply from me, but I think part of the issue with these people who don't approve is envy. An attractive, intelligent girl can make a huge amount of money far more quickly than most other people. She doesn't necessary have to study for years, just market herself well and scrub up well. Most porn stars can retire at the age of 23-27. Look at Belle Delphine, she's a good example. Excellent at marketing herself and a multimillionaire. Attractive, intelligent people have always got further. Sure, if they want to study and be something else they can, but more doors are open to them, and if they want to take this one as well, then why not.
I have included a vid in the OP from streamer Charlie White aka known as Cr1TiKaL about how much money some girls can make from this.

Worth a watch.

With prospects like that, who wouldn't leave their work for that if they could.
But why should it effect them later in life? Because you got naked on the internet isn’t any reason not to hire someone.
I accept it hinders now but it shouldn’t, at all. I guess the normalisation of OF et al will help that and mean that people who may regret doing it aren’t locked out of the job market for decisions they made in their past.

Indeed, it doesn't always hinder them. A good friend of mine works in a large organisation where it's well-known that one of his colleagues is an ex porn-star. I don't think it's proved damaging to her work at all.
You think the NHS are going to welcome back all these nurses who have been on OnlyFans!?!?!?! Of course not.

I wouldn't be surprised if some were welcomed back. It depends on the department and the manager. Some teams in the NHS are very relaxed these days. New management styles over the last few years have really helped with that.
Maybe if they want to sit on reception all day. But if they want to an career such as being a doctor. Having an sexual history broadcasted there on the internet wont make it easy for them.

If they're qualified I don't see why it would make any difference these days.

It's a generational thing. You could say the same thing about Twitch. People will spend hundreds, sometimes thousands of pounds there. Per month. Reasons? Personal connection, supporting the streamer, supporting the community, and/or just showing off for competitive purposes.
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