The Rise of the Nazis (BBC documentary)

Just watched the 1st episode and it's fascinating, can't wait to watch the others.

Some of the things I knew about but it has certainly brought up a few things that I feel very near to today's political mess.
I've seen the first one too.. Truly eye opening the comparisons with what's going on at the moment. 150k ish Russian trooped invading Ukraine seems crazy, then I hear the ~3 MILLION Germans invade Russia. The numbers are just unimaginable.
Thanks for this, just started watching the first episode of the first series. It's really well done.
still obsessed with the nazis.
it's a good watch, a period only normally touched on

Does your bedroom look like this:

In that image above, anyone know what the deal was with the swastika being straight up on some banners etc, but angled on the flag? Usually bannerettes they used to carry at marches would have the swastika oriented like the middle one in that pic, just not sure what the significance was between the two.
Accompanying Putin series too, is good (starring role by Tony Blaire)
parallel between Stalingrad and kyiv - hopefully not prophetic since propaganda there avoided demise/overthrow of Hitler.
Missed this documentary series and currently watching.

Half way through and learned a lot. Highly recommended.

Amazed that Josef Hartinger escaped with his life following the investigation into the deaths at Dachau. As for Goering, I did not realise the depths of depravity he reached; Always thought it was Himmler.
I've seen the first one too.. Truly eye opening the comparisons with what's going on at the moment. 150k ish Russian trooped invading Ukraine seems crazy, then I hear the ~3 MILLION Germans invade Russia. The numbers are just unimaginable.

My elder son married a German girl that he met when he was stationed in Bielefeld, he’s lived there ever since and is now a German citizen.
When her father died, my kid was asked to help clear out the cellar of his in-laws house.
He found photos of his father-in-law standing by signposts with Cyrillic alphabet, rifle in hand, with other soldiers.
In his soldbuch, (pay book), it was revealed that he’d been called up into an infantry regiment, but had been transferred to an SS outfit, his wife told my kid that he’d had no choice, but my kid reckoned that he’d probably volunteered for it.
He’d been awarded a wound badge for wounds suffered at Kursk in 1943, and had been captured by US forces near Oppenheim, after they crossed the Rhine.
I met this guy quite a few times, and he was a gentle soul who would have made a great Weihnachtmann, (Santa Claus), but he was too slim.
At my kid’s wedding he spoke with my dad with the aid of his daughter as an interpreter, about their service in France, saying that it was lucky that they didn’t meet, or there may not have been a wedding! :eek:
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