The Rock - Really enjoy the films he is in!

26 Jul 2003
I know he is just a wrestler turned actor, but I particularly enjoy I think all the films he has been in. The Scorpion King, Welcome to the Jungle, Walking Tall, Be Cool and Doom.

We don't get enough 80's/90's style action films enough any more. Jean Claude Van Dam, Arnie, Sly etc.... loved those movies. Just switch off your brain and enjoy the very unrealistic ride.
I wasn't too impressed with Doom but I did like his other films. I agree that there is nothing like the old action films where you sit back and watch the action.
I rented the 'Gridiron Gang' last night. Its not his usual 'hero' or action role.

He looks after a section of young offenders and decides to turn them around by teaching them American football. Its not a classic but worth a watch if you like 'The Rock' as its good to see him doing something less Arnie/VanDam.
Just finished watching Gridiron Gangs with the rock in it, I like he's films so far. Doom was the worst of the bunch I think he'll get better as he takes on more roles.

He's just finished a film (The Game Plan) where he plays a NFL quarterback, not sure when its being released.
shiner said:
Just finished watching Gridiron Gangs with the rock in it, I like he's films so far. Doom was the worst of the bunch I think he'll get better as he takes on more roles.

He's just finished a film (The Game Plan) where he plays a NFL quarterback, not sure when its being released.

The Game Plan is out in Sep in the US, not sure on when we'll get it here.
I really liked the Doom game, but the movie was completely different I think.

It didn't havnt anything to do with the scientists trying to capture the devil :(

I like horror movies to be about Hell etc.
i like the rocks films. :)

hes done some good ol'd fashioned sit back and enjoy without thinking type films. sometimes thats what you need. :)
He's yet to really impress me in any films, but I think he's struggling to ditch the wrestler part of him. It always seems that when wrestlers appear in action films they feel it necessary to give them a few sublimely ridiculous wrestling moves to do during a fight sequence or two. Whilst they're 'entertaining' (and I use that loosely) in the ring, they are rarely anything you'd do in a real fight and always feel atrociously out of place. Doom was dire as a film IMO, but the thing that killed it most was the final fight sequence due to his wrestling moves. Similar thing happens in Blade Trinity. Great brain-off action film up until the stupid fight with the wrestler,, which just jarrs badly.
Orange Peel said:
I rented the 'Gridiron Gang' last night. Its not his usual 'hero' or action role.

He looks after a section of young offenders and decides to turn them around by teaching them American football. Its not a classic but worth a watch if you like 'The Rock' as its good to see him doing something less Arnie/VanDam.
Thats original :p;)

ps3ud0 :cool:
Doom was excellent i thought :D

but you really need to turn your brain off for it, i didnt go in expecting much which made me enjoy it so much more.
I dont really like anything he is in, i keep expecting him to lay the smackdown on someones ass, i just dont think he is all that great, no offence if you like his movies though.

Vin Diesel > all ^_^
Have to say he's really surprised me, though all those years of acting in wrestling must have helped him out.

Best film for me was be cool cause he did something different and did it very well, the best performance in a very poor film.
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