The Rock Show

17 Oct 2002
Ashburton Grove
Does anyone else watch this on VH1 Classic at midnight on Saturdays?

I've only just realised that it's on and what a superb 2 hour rock video collection it is, well recommended. :)

Still not as good as Tommy Vance's Friday Rock Show, I remember that well. :)
Tommy Vance's Friday Rock Show was brilliant. :)

I shall have a look at the rock show in a bit.
Thanks for letting us know. ;)
Not seen it, but I recently discovered a rock music channel called Scuzz burried deep in the back end of the NTL channel selection. It plays rock & metal, and although some of it is crap, I caught some Stone Temple Pilots, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden and early Smashing Pumpkins earlier tonight which was cool. You're highly unlikely to get any of those played on the Indie-fest that is MTV2 these days.
Andelusion said:
I don't have the luxury of cable, are there any decent bands on though? /Just curious.

The one that I just saw had AC/DC, Led Zep, Nirvana, Queen, The Who, Thin Lizzy, Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, RHCP, Status Quo, Bon Jovi, ZZ Top amongst others.

Not the heaviest of music, but some classics nonetheless.
Big Kev said:
The one that I just saw had AC/DC, Led Zep, Nirvana, Queen, The Who, Thin Lizzy, Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, RHCP, Status Quo, Bon Jovi, ZZ Top amongst others.

Not the heaviest of music, but some classics nonetheless.

I'm noticing a distinct lack of Rush.

It used to be great when they broadcast it from 6 to midnight in long ago halcyon days. Over the years they've buggered about with it's schedule and reducing it to an hour before this switch to 2 hours after 12. It was the best of all the music channels. Now if they could get rid of something like MTV Hits and have this playing all day I'd be one happy camper.
I grew up on the Rock Show and before Tommy Vance was Alan Freeman.
I used to record it onto tape on a friday and then play it on my cassette walkman on a monday.
Even our holidays were ran around the Rock Show. I'd tape it on a friday evening and travel in the morning listening to it.
On the way home we would always come back from wherever we were (Torquay, Weston Super Mare) at exactly 10 pm on the friday night.
So many memories.
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