The Room

19 Feb 2010
I picked this up yesterday along with Poly Bridge for a pittance on Steam and must say it's great. I was at a bit of a loss as to what to do after finishing Dishonored 2 so this has been a great change of pace. Currently on the second box. :)

It looks very pretty and has a good atmospheric vibe too! Definitely worth a look if you like puzzles. There's a sequel as well so will give that a go afterwards. :D

Anyone else played this or found anything similar puzzle wise? I need a break from killing things.
Played it on my tablet and enjoyed it enough to rebuy on Steam (and the sequel, which is supposed to be better). It's really well done and I've been trying to get my mum to give it a go too. £1.35 on Steam atm. The sequel is the same price.
i enjoyed the first one on the PC, and was annoyed to have to play the second on the phone, got part way to through the third i think, but it does my head in on the phone...

really good though, like them a lot
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