The Royal Horseguards Hotel, London

1 Apr 2003

iso 200

Comments welcome. :)
I like.:) The bright colours from the boat contrast with the hotel. And the sky looks a lovely colour. Er what else can I say? I likes it? Oh, already said that.

Any Photoshopping been done on that? Oh and by the way, you do know that most of the EXIF info you posted is actually already in the pic. I thought you had removed the EXIF info on purpose and so posted the info underneath. It is all there though.
Thanks for the comment. Usually my EXIF info gets lost on conversion to RAW, so I kinda get used to posting it separately! Seems to have been ok this time though!

Very little PS work has been done. Slight adjustments to contrast, brightness and saturation have been applied. No cropping has occured.

Thanks again. :)
I really like the shot, but i think that the saturation needs upping a little bit on the hotel and it'll be perfect.
If you save it as web it loses the exif and if you save as it keeps all the exif info. (well thats the case for me).

Nice vibrant colours, did you use any type of filters?
nolimit said:
If you save it as web it loses the exif and if you save as it keeps all the exif info. (well thats the case for me).

Nice vibrant colours, did you use any type of filters?
No, no filters. The sky really was the colour!

I seem to still lose EXIF info when converting to tiff via RSE (even though I beleive I ahve the appropriate options ticked).
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