the sale of my xbox 360 didnt go according to plan

17 Oct 2002
Well some of you may know from my other thread i had decided to sell my 360.

I boxed it all back up over the weekend ready to take down to Warrwick today.

Last night i was tidying my room, picked up the 360 box to take downstairs, carrying by the plastic carry handle on top of the box. Walked across my bedroom and out onto the landing.

Approached the stairs, stepped down onto the first step and *RIP* the plastic handle had ripped through the coardboard, it was almost like slow motion as i watched the first handle break away from the box, the jolt and twist and the box falling onto 1 support of the plastic handle proved to much and the rest of the handle gave way.

Xbox went crashing down the stairs in its box with all its contents. Stood at the top of the stairs with a plastic handle in my hand slowly coming to grips with what had just happened.

Walked down the stairs and collected the 360. Set it up and plugged it in.

To my amazement it powered up with a click click here and a pop pop there i thought "this isnt too bad" i then thought ill try a disc, not wanting to write a game off aswell i put in a old DVD, Disc wouldnt read, the drive made some nasty sounds at me.


Something tells me they dont want me to sell it. So that was my night. Going to see if i can get a replacement, if not then ill have to splash out on a Core system to replace my Premium :(

Thanks for reading.

Paul ...
chaparral said:
Am very sorry to hear this..
I would have been very gutted myself if this had happened to me.

But why are you going buy another one if you were going sell the one you had?

Ill claim if i can, if not then everything will be up for grabs on MM soon :p

edit: or i could get another one as most people said i probably would in my other thread anyway :p

Paul ...
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lordrobs said:
Gutted for you.

But I don't quite get it... you were fed up with you xbox so you decided you would sell it but because the handle broke and it got binned down the stairs your taking it as some kind of sign and your now going to shell out for a replacement :confused:

Shelling out for a new one will be at the bottom of my list, if i decide i want another one.

If i can get a replacement then i will.

Paul ...
Booner! said:
I was sooo close to buying that off you! ;) gonna put an order in for a premium off that website today! i think you just had a really bad day, i had a **** day aswell and hopefully looking to get my 360 and then just chill lol! hope the claim goes well and you sort it out mate!

imagine if i had bought it, that could have happened as i got home with it and went up the stairs lol!! then who would have been upset :D


Or i could have just sold it you anyway, as theres no visible damage :p

Ive got it with me today, going to goto the shop where i had it from and play dumb "it just stopped working honest"

Paul ...
NokkonWud said:
Same, I never EVER trust those handles on things, they are badly designed and VERY flimsy.

TSG why haven't you added me to MSN man!?

I did yonks ago mate, but you never came online, must have used the wrong addy.

I see you just added me :)

Paul ...
Nismo said:
Straight swap or did they query it?

Well firstly the woman said, i quote this "you will need to send it back to xbox for a replacement"

I said "you mean microsoft?" lol

Anyway i then reminded her that my sale was made with ******* :p and it was up to them to sort it out.

She took my xbox into the back, came back out, literally 30 seconds later with a new Premium.

Couldnt of had chance to check the box or nothing. Of course being the honest person i am, i had put everything back into the box anyway.

Paul ...
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