The Savoury Breakfast 99

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
7 Nov 2002
The Winchester
You will never know the joy of a man who just made this for breakfast.

Take a muffin cup (for structural purposes) and wrap a cone of foil around it. Wrap this in three pieces of delicious bacon. Put in the oven at 190 with a few sausages. Should take about 20 minutes to cook.


Whisk up three eggs and some pepper to make scrambled egg.


Remove meat from the meat-cooking device.


Pop your sausage in (!), pack with scrambled egg, and apply generous spurts of brown sauce. Stand back, light your pipe, and admire your handiwork.




I invite you one and all to give it a go and post your efforts. A true breakfast of kings.
I did indeed invent it a few days ago. Waited for the weekend to enjoy it properly though. Was surprisingly easy to eat; I expected disaster tbh.
Hmm. I don't even like eggs, but that looks so delicious... I may have to go all the way out to the chicken house to collect some of our free range eggs to make some scrambled egg. Then I may have to go all the way out to our big freezer to get some of our own brand organic bacon and sausages. Then I may have to make the bacon cone.

I can't wait tbh. :p
:eek: How can that not get really messy?.

Still, best way to find out is to try it myself i guess, and it looks too tasty not to try it myself! :D
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