pyro said:Good thing we can guess which channel it is on.
pyro said:Good thing we can guess which channel it is on.
Minxy said:He's a facinating kid. So much knowledge yet not worldy wise with perhaps a little arrogance bit then at 12 what else would you expect.
Exactly, I don't doubt that in several years (when he would be going to uni anyway) he would probably be outstanding. Until then I think that he probably needs a bit of actual work rather than learning from text-books. He clearly had absolutely no idea how long and labourious lab-based work really is - a target a day ?!?!Freefaller said:Lots of ideas, very excited and very bright. However he lacks a lot of "real world" understanding and basic skills other than intellectual exercises.
AmDaMan said:
Davey_Pitch said:What an arrogant child. I hope he has the intelligence to go with that ego.
Minxy said:He definitely didn't get the recognition in the UK that he recieves back home in India but like it or lump it, with an IQ of 146 he's no dumbarse.
tbs said:guys, hes only 7 as you said. maybe he cant put across what hes trying to explain as well as he could. but i dont think some of you should go as far as hes talking about jib.
im sure when you was 7 you didnt have anything more to say rather than you wanting the newest power ranger, so give the kid a few years into his teens and see what he can do, im sure by then he will be fully able to explain what hes trying to put across to people.
Mohinder said:I keep coming into this thread in the hope of seeing a very old fish but it's still not happening