The site is 99% finished but a Javascript function is being gay



19 Oct 2004

Ok, so i'm nearly finished the whole site but have a problem on the "location" page.

The javascript launch function seems to stretch over the text resulting in bright blue link text. A few hours ago it didn't do this; it only launched when the thumbnail image was clicked. I haven't altered any of the scripts so I assume it's the HTML i've changed but I can't see what.

If I delete the text completely the 'copyright' and 'design by' links take over the baton and turn blue. Have I missed a closing tag?

Any help would be great and thanks for the help so far. I can post the CSS if neccessary.
Awesome. That's done it at my end. Yours?

Cheers mate.

Edit: well it does work but I get loads of validation errors as a result. I've clearly done something wrong.

Edit: saw your edit :p that's great now it's ok.
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Getting crazy with the edits lol.

Another general problem i've encountered. Say i was linking to an external website through a hyperlink. How do I stop the validator throwing up errors inside the url of the link? I have no control over the url itself and if I edit it it will no longer work.
ffallic said:
Oh, what exactly is "gay" about a javascript function that won't work?

Why not just state "is not working" - its a hell of a lot less offensive.


Gay has many meanings in Newcastle. It wasn't meant to be offensive at all; I was trying to inject some humour into a mundane problem.

If it actually offended you, which I doubt, then I apologise.

heavy-rotation said:
If you're linking to a URL with an ampersand in it, you have to escape it as an html entity (so replace & with &), thats about all I can think of that would cause validation to fail on href attribute anyway.

There was at least 9 errors but I changed url, couldn't be bothered with the hassle and I don't like asking people for help if it's possible.
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