The Smiley Interpretation thread.

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9 Nov 2004
i notice that people react to the smileys in really different ways. your job in this thread (if you can be bothered, i almost cant) is to put down a smiley, or combination of smileys and how you interpret them.

my most-used smiley combination is :p;) this means that i was just making fun of you, but i was only joking, i still love you.

i also use :rolleyes:;) - this means i was just being really sarcastic, but i hope you didnt take it seriously!

your turn.....

*waits for pointless thread to die*

Also, I'd say that both of these were laughter :p :D whereas one is supposed to be tongue poking

And when using :p after an snide comment it means "I said that, but I'm only joknig, but then again underneath I just really wanted to say it"
:D - arn't I a funny guy?

:D - that made me laugh

:D - haha, you're stupid

So as you can see, my use of smilies is completly uninteligable, like my spelling and grammer :D
:p is poking fun in a friendly way
:D is a mahoosive grin
:rolleyes: is sarcastic, but thankfully the people who know me, take it in humour
:confused: is what I am when I read a lot of posts
:) is a happy for you smily
I only tend to use one at a time. Sometimes people overcomplicate things by posting too many together so it has to be read like hieroglyphics or something.

In general:

:) = I'm being genuine/trying to help.

:D = That gave me a ruddy good laugh.

:p = I'm just messing, but you were probably too stupid to infer that from the actual wording. :p

I only occasionally use the others.

;) feels a bit too much like "If you know what I mean........... now take me you brute."
I always think that the :o smiley looks more like a bored smiley rather than an embarrassed one. This leads to some confusing misinterpretations in some threads for me :/

I sometimes use: :p :D to indicate a sort of light hearted sarcasm when I don't mean to be hurtful, or when I've made a horribly cheesey joke this combo is also my way of apologising, heh.
Belmit said:
:p = I'm just messing, but you were probably too stupid to infer that from the actual wording. :p

Harhar, same here. :D I also occasionally omit it for the same reason, just for laffs.
:cool: - I just thought about touching myself
:) - I just started touching myself
:D - I'm still touching myself
:eek: - nuff said
:o - I'm tired after touching myself
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