US: The Strain

28 Dec 2009

Watched first episode and i thought it was good, could have easily been a film but interesting to see where they will go with this as a series. It is on FX and the production seems high. It is about a vampire plague on new york and CDC are the main actors it seems at this point.
Ep 3 better than 2nd one. I am glad the cdc chars have now seen what they are up against and they didnt drag it out longer. Consider they are dealing with a vampire plague i think its pulled off well so far. Some of the scenes have been good. I laughed when that guy wife sees him drink the blood.
This has been so good so far. I think only the second episode was a bit weak in parts the rest have been non stop entertaining. With some realy well done monster and violence scenes.

That guy who let the coffin in the city is so dumb. Why would they put the infected body in to the river? Why not burn it? dumbest thing i have seen from someone who is meant to be CDC. They took the time to rap the body in chains but didn't think of burning it? I guess most series you can pick holes. This has been good though looking forward to next episode.
ep 10 was a bit slower than previous episodes imo and prefer the old man and exterminator as characters. That hacker girl is annoying.

I think the wife was attracted to the master because he knows that she is the wife of the CDC guy who is working with the old man to take him out. As was said in previous episode the master selects certain people to be in the upper classes of the infection which allows them to keep their human traits. I assume that she has been/will be selected for this purpose as a way to torment the CDC guy.
The master is a bit of a wacko, he said he is the drinker of people haha.

I am surprised they have not tried to involve more people at this point, like police and authorities. I guess that adds to the whole story, the grandma is definitely annoying character, i was hoping she had been bitten at the gate when she was facing the other way. I think that other guy who drove the coffin is going to end up helping them.
Last episode was very good. I enjoyed it. I like that they finally got the word out and how they are expanding the scale of it. I am pretty sure next season they are going to have to introduce more characters from a larger scope, like FBI and police and so on.

I agree the master is not very scary but i think if you are a young child it may be scary? I think they could have done a better job or making the master more scary looking.
Great first episode of season 2. I like how the master is now only one of 7 and he is not an elder and that is why he is rouge. Now the Jew has to work out how to kill them all.

I was not too keen on the woman and her blind children. Was that the doctors wife?

I am glad the master is looking for a new host because the current design was poor. The ancestors look far more scary, reminds me of the monsters from the descent. Although the make up department failed on the scene from the past, could easily see that the elder who made the master had material rapped around his legs. I guess i lacked imagination, but could have been better. The scene with the 3 elders looked awesome though.
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