^ The Surge ^

18 Apr 2006
Anyone looking to grab this? Sort of Dark Souls meets Edge of Tomorrow mash up.

The combat actually looks pretty good....

Out on the 16th May, cheapest I've seen it for PC is £29.
Devs have stated 21:9 supported out the box..

21:9 support
The game support 21:9 3440x1440 full screen?

schnitzelpit [developer] 10 May @ 7:29pm

Yes! You will also be able to adjust the HUD ratio to your liking in that case, and CGI movies are being displayed fullscreen w/o black bars in all their ultrawide glory.
Initial impressions are it's okay, I've never played Dark Souls so can't compare but it does feel like Lords of the Fallen which I did try.

Graphics are decent, smooth framerate outside set to Very High (ingame max) with Blur turned off - Gets me 40-60fps 970GTX.

Will have another 15 mins then bed !
It looks interesting, but I'll wait to see when more reviews and gameplay come in. Never did like Souls games because I am bad at 'em.

I was awful at Lords of the Fallen playing with mouse and keyboard but this game works great.

The Surge at first was difficult for me, I was running in bashing stuff and respawning. Once I got the tactics and aiming down it became fluent and intuitive, not easy, where I only died because I got complacent.

I imagine that the repetitive nature of the game might start to wain my enthusiasm but atm it's good fun.
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