The Thick of It

Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
I only stumbled across this show by accident really. Synopsis for those under a rock like me: it’s a show about the inner workings of the UK government and largely focusses on bumbling politicians trying their best to avoid catastrophe under the fury of the extremely manipulative and furious spin doctor, Malcom Tucker.

Good grief, how did I miss this when it came out?! It is absolutely stunning. I don’t think I have laughed so hard in ages. Malcolm Tucker is perhaps the best character in any show I have ever seen, surpassed only, perhaps, by his even more ‘ultra-turbo’ Scottish colleague. Finished off with the spin off film, in the loop, last night.

If you haven’t seen this show it is absolutely essential viewing, perhaps even more relevant in today’s political climate.

Whole show is on Netflix with the spin off film currently on Amazon prime.

What a show :D
Will check out Veep, thanks guys!

@jpaul yeah I did see the old thread but when you necro you struggle to put your own... ‘spin’ on matters :p

@weringo yeah couldn’t believe what happened to Chris when I looked it up. The scene where he hides in the cupboard is probably my favourite of the whole show :D

Even the first episode when they are trying to come up with things in the car:

“My kids went to a zoo... they said it was really dirty....... oh god that’s ****. That’s utter ****.”
“How about... everyone has to carry a plastic bag?”

lol :o
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