The Trump supporter protest yesterday

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oh ok, and have people noticed how YouTube recommended vids have changed in the past few days or just me? Out of nowhere I've been given videos made by the scruffy blue and green haired mob. The children thinking they know better than the parents crew.
They'd all better leave home while they still know better huh? :p

I mean where as before it was constant Ben and Jordan etc...
You always get a few idiots who get carried away at protests, the biggest difference has been in media coverage for those who take notice.. Antifa and BLM smashed up entire cities and peoples businesses for months and they were covered as largely peaceful protests and the corporate media lavished constant praise on them, here you have a few idiots smashing a few windows for about an hour and the same media are talking about it as if it were a coup. The same media that is censoring the (still) President of the USA.

Also here's an interesting quote:

In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

It's also easier to fool someone than to convince them they've been fooled.

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It's more the symbolism of it and the spectacular security failures... protestors in congresspeople's offices is obviously a very bad thing from a security perspective, disrupting the proceedings is pretty outrageous too... obvs proceedings continued and were merely delayed etc.. but the whole thing was embarrassing.

In terms of physical damage done, it seems relatively minor, petty theft, broken glass etc.. they weren't there to burn it down or generally smash things up. Arguably burning down or smashing up businesses, destroying livelihoods etc... is worse but this is a rather prominent and symbolic place and it certainly got coverage.

Presumably, there are stricter laws relating to the Capitol building so some of them might well be facing some serious jail time. I don't personally see the MAGA people who were trespassing in there and not causing damage as particularly different to any BLM types trespassing in police stations or any other taken over the building and not causing damage. The people actually trashing things (of which there should be security footage of and clear view of their faces..) should be prosecuted and probs serve a bit of time behind bars tbh...
I'm confused. You know that this discussion is happening in Speaker's Corner, because you posted in it. In fact, you have the most posts in it, so why are you posting in here too? Here, look. You have MORE THAN TRIPLE the amount of posts than the next poster:


In fact, look at all your posts, the last ELEVEN of them were all in that thread:


So why have you started this thread here? Is it because you're banned from SC? Is it because nobody in there agrees with your fairytales so you're hoping to get a more compliant audience here, or is it simply that you forgot that you posted in there and started again (which would go a long way to explaining various other theories about you).

So what is it? Please explain this before answering anything else, as it's really lowered my opinion of you, if that were somehow possible.

EDIT: Nevermind, just seen you've been suspended. Lol.

You always get a few idiots who get carried away at protests, the biggest difference has been in media coverage for those who take notice.. Antifa and BLM smashed up entire cities and peoples businesses for months and they were covered as largely peaceful protests and the corporate media lavished constant praise on them, here you have a few idiots smashing a few windows for about an hour and the same media are talking about it as if it were a coup. The same media that is censoring the (still) President of the USA.

Also here's an interesting quote:

It's also easier to fool someone than to convince them they've been fooled.

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Because looting a shop is the same as looting one of the government's most important buildings right? Your ability to ignore context and reasoning in favour of whatever pie-in-the-sky theory you've read on those 2bit websites you frequent is astonishing. I'm sure you'll ignore this reply anyway as it doesn't agree with your dumbass theories but hey ho.

Happy Friday everyone :D
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