The UK isn't what it's made out to be

1 Jul 2012
I'm a little anxious about posting this as it may seem like a provocative and / or obvious post but it is intended as genuine and is subtle in its message. I'm not trying to have a go at the UK or anyones way of life.

It is possible to have a great, happy and well rounded life in the UK - many people do. However, while being brought up in the UK, without knowing it I was very subtly indoctrinated with the idea that the UK is the best option for living and other countries were for holidays or had something wrong with them. This message was never explicit and I think is left over from the empire days.

Having lived in a southern Mediterranean country for over a year now (where the number of times it has rained is almost countable on one hand). I now realise (for me) the UK can be an over priced, hyped, dreary and miserable place to live.

I lived with a mix of good countryside and Zone 1 London for the past 10 years I lived in the UK. I worked in tech with a healthy salary and some good people around me including friends and family so it's not like I had poor living conditions etc.

All this to say, keep in mind there are a million ways to live your life. Working until your 70 in the cold and wet is only a small percentage of the viable ways! There are economically viable ways of a more fulfilling life. FYI!

All the best!
I do kind of agree but from the sounds of it you have done well enough to live in the nice places of the South Med, the poorer people originally from those places who have a different experience growing up there will probably think a lot differently.

I'm sure being wealthy in the Med is nice, being a poverty stricken local probably not so much.

Basically this.

The med does sound quite appealing right now, though.

I can't speak for everyone in all countries / walks of life but my anecdotal experience is that the poorer people are the warmest and most welcoming. I travel in the real middle of nowhere countryside often for sports and speak to these people. I go to the villages where there is literally only a bar. People are super nice and smile a lot, even when they only have three teeth...
I think a lot of the comments here really demonstrate the indoctrination I mentioned in the first post. This idea that other countries are not as wealthy, not as good opportunities if I grew up here, the health system isn't as good, the services aren't as good, it's only good because I'm wealthy etc.

This is all complete rubbish. Sure there are tons of countries that can't compete on a lot of those things but a lot of the time they are as good, better, worse or some combination. The free schools (public and private can be confusing) in this country are better than the paid for schools and A level equivalents tend to be harder. The health service here is as good as the NHS...

I think, in general, you have no idea until you actually live somewhere and use it. This is what opened my eyes to the UK. The thing people seem to observe as worse is actually just difference...
You completely (and willfully I expect) ignored my comments about youth unemployment and general unemployment rates in the med.

Opportunities are NOT the same as you are implying. You are a middle / upper class citizen where you are now based, of course you see everything with rosy glasses.

sorry I don’t think I saw your post. Like I say, nothing is perfect. A lot of the young people here leave due to the lack of skilled work however they find good jobs abroad due to good education. I don’t know how it is for the have nots.

I’m not particularly wealthy here, my income isn’t that far off that of a local in the same line of work. I live a humble life and very happy with that as this country offers different things that I find valuable. The UK might be that place to some, I’m just trying to suggest that better lives can be had elsewhere from the Antarctic to Mexico.

Lol really. Comes onto UK based forum and tells us all how **** the UK is and then when people put across counter arguments you say this :cry:

I said in the OP I’m not having a go at the UK…
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Pretty much this. I'm sure if the OP hadn't had such an upbringing in the UK which provided a good education and leading eventually into a well paid career they'd have written something different.

Again, this is bordering on the racist and is extremely ignorant. Do you really think the UK education system is that good? Do you really think people have a poor upbringing in Europe and the UK is so good it's not possible for people in other countries to succeed to the same level as in the UK? When living and working in London in engineering departments the majority of people there were foreign, most of which are from Europe. Not only are they able to perform well in their own country, they perform better than a lot of UK natives in while using a second language.

Depends on so many factors. You obviously have a few quid so your experience will be much much different.

Try living on the poorer side of town where you are and then come back and say that its great out there after you get beat up to a pulp.

I live on the poor side of town and it's just fine, thanks.
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