The UK needs to implement Free speech laws like in the US

5 Mar 2020
The recent news of the police busting into a mans office after he made 'Transphobic' comments online garnered a lot of attention recently, The bloke basically pointed out that the person in question was just wearing a wig. He was eventually left alone after a period of police phoning him to ask him to stop tweeting but sounds very Orwellian to me.
Perhaps I'm wrong but I feel like most of the advocates for that sort of free speech really just want to say whatever they want and face no consequences for it. I'm not even a supporter of the T's in the LGBT movement (I just disagree with it) but I don't think it should give a free pass to saying whatever I want about them online.

If anything I want to see more people held accountable for what they say online. Too many people are too brave saying whatever vile rubbish they can behind the veil of anonymity as they know there is little consequence. If you wouldn't say it to someones face in person, why behind a keyboard?
I'd rather we didn't...

That's how you end up with people marching through the streets shouting "Jews will not replace us" with no consequences.

And the opposite of that is China where they're currently putting Muslims in concentration camps and you can't talk about it
Perhaps I'm wrong but I feel like most of the advocates for that sort of free speech really just want to say whatever they want and face no consequences for it. I'm not even a supporter of the T's in the LGBT movement (I just disagree with it) but I don't think it should give a free pass to saying whatever I want about them online.

If anything I want to see more people held accountable for what they say online. Too many people are too brave saying whatever vile rubbish they can behind the veil of anonymity as they know there is little consequence. If you wouldn't say it to someones face in person, why behind a keyboard?

My first time on a forum like this before haha jut trying to get the lay of the land and that. Any tips or stuff like that would be appreciated big time

Just pick a side.

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The recent news of the police busting into a mans office after he made 'Transphobic' comments online garnered a lot of attention recently, The bloke basically pointed out that the person in question was just wearing a wig. He was eventually left alone after a period of police phoning him to ask him to stop tweeting but sounds very Orwellian to me.

Why would you feel the need to point it out? Bullying does not equal free speech.

Americans are dense.
2D Waifu - 3D wife

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