The UNIMATRIX (Coolermaster ATCS-310 server build)

18 Jan 2006
OK, so I don't usually go in for project logs, but the previous owner of this case expressed an interest in seeing what I did with it :)

I'm by no means finished at the moment, but hopefully this is of interest to some people.

The Beginnings
For many years and several itenerations, my fileserver UNIMATRIX-001 has lived in a mess of a case, missing both sides and generally too small for what it held. The starting specs for this project were as follows:
Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L
Core2Duo e6320
Akase Evo 120 cooler
Seasonic 420w PSU
4x 512mb sticks of DDR2
7 assorted SATA drives, totalling 6tb of storage

To house all of this, I went looking for a massive case, and promptly found that there was practically nothing available to house this many drives and give a decent amount of working space. I then posted on the MM to see what people had sitting around, and one of the things I was offered was a Coolermaster ATCS-310:

Being a full-size, double width EATX case, this looked ideal for my needs, although in stock form a little short on HDD bays.

Building and Modding
With the case in my hands, I set about figuring out the best way to mount a few more HDDs and fit the existing components into it. Helpfully, shadowscotland, the seller of the case threw in a couple of HDD racks for me- THANKS!!
Putting things together for the first time, I discovered that the stock PSU mounting plate would have pointed the 120mm fan into the side of the case- Not good :(
This led me to fabricate a new mounting plate, with the PSU pointing in the right direction. I initially looked into laser cutting, but this ended up being prohibitive in cost terms, at least for the moment, so I used the ever-handy dremel & ran up a new mounting plate in perspex. This is rather rough at the moment, but is doing the job until I get round to cleaning it up properly with a file:

This image also shows the new 5-drive HDD cage, for which I decided the best position was mounted directly above the PSU. From the other angle, it looks like this:

The next job was to get some components into the case and see how things looked.
Annoyingly at this point, I discovered that the Evo 120 didn't quite fit through the cutout in the back of the case, so I had to resort to fitting the motherboard tray and dropping the motherboard in manually. With the power supply in place, but nothing connected, things ended up looking like this:

That's as far as things have got for the moment- I've decided I need extensions for the 8 & 24-pin cables so I can route them nicely round the back of the motherboard tray instead of being pulled all over the shop.

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