The unknown guardian angel .....

Add anyone that uses a chainsaw to that list. Kevlar pants probably saved the life of a few people I know.
We also use the stuff at work though not for safety purposes but because of its amazing tensile strength.
and aircraft, kevlar amongst other things is one of the ingredients for some carbon fibre recipes. its also a component of hybrid tank armour.

one very useful invention and the type of ingenuity that built the world we live in.

rest in peace.
Lots of use in motorsports too.

The list could go on and on, and the number of lives owed to her discovery is enormous.
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Lots of use in sport and motorsports too.

The list could go on and on, and the number of lives owed to her discovery is enormous.

the toe caps of our new saftey boots are made out of it too. sooo much lighter and more comfy than the steelies.
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