The Walking Dead Season 3 (contains spoilers)

27 Aug 2011
Sheffield, UK
So we have a thread about season 2, I thought I'd create one for Season 3.

Obviously those of us who read the comics know that the women at the end of Season 2 who saves Andrea is Michonne, the Governor has already been cast for Season 3 and it's obvious where Season 3 will be based (The Prison) if they stay close to the comics, the whole of Season 3 will be Prison/Woodbury based.

What are everyone elses predictions? Will Darrel Dixon be forced to choose between the group and his brother?
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If you watch the Talking Dead, they actuallly discussed Michonne and her "pet" zombies.

They had no arms and no lower jaw/teeth, so they can't really do much but drool on her.

The explaination the director gave was "they realised they couldn't do much about it and just sort of accepted that fact"

Also, in the comics, the Prison is where they spend the most time throughout the entire thing, so in depending on how deep they go into it, they could stretch it out through season 3 and 4.

If people were getting bored with the lack of zombies in season 2, season 3 should have a lot more, I don't want to give too much away other than to say they have to get into the prison first....
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Basically they arrive at the prison which, as you'd expect is infested with zombies, first they clear out the courtyard (possibly episode 1)

Then they open the main doors to the prison and have to clear out the inside (I think that is about 3 comics worth, around 60 pages total)
How much would you like me to spoil?

Basically, this is what happens in the comics and most of which, will be adapted into season 3/4

They arrive at the prison, clear the outside, open the main door, begin to clear the inside, the riot room, cells etc... then they get to the canteen, it's locked and seemingly no way in, they eventually pry the door open (this is where one of the comics ends)

The next comic starts with them opening the door to find......4 prisoners sat eating in the canteen as if no zombies even existed.

They talk with the prisoners who explain that when the prison became infected they were all working in the prison canteen, they had plenty of food (considering its a prison they would have had enough to feed the entire prison for a while) so they thought it best to lock themselves in there, since it's fairly secure, and just left the guards and rest of the prisoners to die.

They agree to help Rick & Co empty out the rest of the prison so they can all live there safely and securely (obviously since this is The Walking Dead that doesn't happen).

On a routine scouting trip for food, they see the helicopter (shown at the end of season 2) but the helicopter crashes, Rick, Glen and a few others decide to go and investigate, find the helicopter, but no bodies, they (probably with the help of Daryl in the TV show) track the foot prints to a town called Woodbury (this is where the Governor comes in, he runs Woodbury, keeps the residents safe etc..

Rick meets the Governor and attempts to build relations (and fails) turns out the Governor is bat crap crazy and makes Michonne find a guy in a brutal death match surrounded by walkers. Michonne, being the bad ass that she is, kills some dude and the walkers, finishing the brutal game.

The Governor, displeased with this, takes Michonne prisoner and repeatedly rapes her (interested how they're going to do this on TV) Michonne escapes and cuts the Gov to shreds, but he lives.

Rick & Co escape Woodbury with the help of someone (who later turns on them) and go back to warn everyone else about the Gov and Woodbury)..

That is pretty much how I see season 3, based on the comics

Have they stopped writting the comics? I've read all 94 issues and if 94 is the final issue then I'm disappointed
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Took me a few weeks to read all the comics. Just got the first 6 issues of The New 52 Batman series on my iPad too.

I'm saving Marvel Zombies for america
You left out one of the most important things about the arc..

The governor cuts Ricks hand off

But I honestly cant see them using that in the series.

How is that important? I highly doubt they'll even bother with that part how is it even significant
Regardless of if they put it in the series, how is it important? lulwut? :D

Care to elaborate?

I don't see how it's such a big deal, just means he had to use his other hand to hold a gun, based on the other limbs that get cut off the other characters, I highly doubt they're going to incorporate it into the tv series. After all, Dale was supposed to lose his leg like he did in the comic and they completely ignored that in the tv series
Ok, I think you're reading far too much into it lol

I would say Carl losing his eye or Lori and Judy dying is more important
You can take your patronising nature and we'll agree to disagree, either way it'll be interesting to see if they implement it in S3 :D

Sorry, don't mean to be patronising, just my opinion mate, a lot more happens in the comics that I would consider more impact full, like character deaths, and new relationships
They won't have the budget for all the special effect limb losses and what not lol. No matter how bad the acting is I am always drawn to the show though, it feels much different form anything else on TV.

Wait until you see season 3, I hear on good authority that there will be a Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashion and Rhianna guest staring as zombies (well we can hope)
You haven't got a clue what is going to happen in season 3 as much as anyone else on the internet speculating.

As you well know they have not stuck to the same story lines at all really.

I find it amusing how you are the expert on everything TWD because you have read the comics!

You do realise they will probably change most scenarios to keep the TV series fresh? Would be pretty pointless if they followed the comics :p

...Don't tell me that you actually believed me when I said Paris and Kim where going to be in it? really? I mean really?

I never said I was an expert at all, but it's kind of obvious the direction that they're going purely because A) The Govenor's been cast already, B) Michonne appears at the end C) the Prison is the final shot

So yeah they might change parts, I mean in the comic, Dale doesn't die for ages and shane dies a lot earlier. But it's highly likely they'll keep the basics the same.

Would be pretty pointless if they followed the comics :p

No, it really wouldn't, it would be better if they followed the comics. Can't tell me that Transformers etc... wouldn't be better if they just made a live action version of the original concept? Admittedly, the Adam West Batman was a bit crappy, but the Nolan films would be a lot better if they stuck closer to the comics
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I didn't beleive you no, you speculate as much as anyone on the internet but like to come across like you know what's going to happen.

Like your ***Season 3 OMGZ spoilers*** thread, fact is you don't anything that is going to happen becasue it's not even been filmed yet.

You just like to sound like you know what you're on about because you've read a few comics :p

Sorry for the way I come across, but the majority of what everyone is speculating is going to happen in some form, they are going to prison, they are going to meet the Gov, I don't see any part of what I've said in this thread that the writers will ignore.

I've simply said what happens in the comic, and what we all know already.

Well it would because everyone would know what was going to happen. The only reason I said "spoilers" is because this is what happens in the comics, so for anyone who hasn't read the comics, it pretty much ruins season 3 for them, whether they show significant things in the tv series or not, the only stuff I've written about is fact. The writers themselves confirmed they're going to do the prison part, but show the part where I said this will happen exactly like this, they will meet these people, this person will die etc, etc... I haven't

If they were going to do that they would have just made a feature film of the story from the comics, several of the writers have said and Kirkman himself that they have to deviate from the comics to keep it all fresh.

A Walking Dead film would be awesome!
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We know the location of the start of season 3, other than that it could go in any way they choose fit, I can't see them doing most of what happens in the comics as it will be unrealistic.

....It's a zombie apocalypse? pretty sure realism is the last thing on their minds (Hershall, God Mode lol)

Please stop spamming my thread, we're here to discuss WD, if you're just here to argue, you know where the door is, if you're here to post comments like "I think this will happen in season 3, because in the comics this happens" or something along those lines, we welcome your contributions
IRF1985, You're reading far to much into things,

You can put inflictions and emphasis on anything to change is meaning.

And yeah, this is my thread, I created it.

So stop trolling, either discuss WD or get out. Wait a sec Add to Ignore List

Moving on,

Despite how they introduced Michonne in the last episode, I hope she plays such a prominant role in the next series as she does in the comics. They were saying on the Talking Dead that her and Daryl are people favourite characters.

Just annoyed that we have to wait till October for season 3
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If they follow the comics, carl attempts to grow up, his dad doesn't like it, so he stays a snivelling little wimp lol

Loving how carl has to be watched all the time, as if him being alone is going to cause some mass horror.....oh wait..... it did lol

His character appears pretty pointless to start with but in the comics he at least tries to man up a few times by killing a few zombies. I wonder if they'll keep carl the pointless character that he is, or where they'll actually allow him to grow a backbone and get involved with stuff
It is strange, I mean people would assume that a zombie apocalypse refers to some sort of Evil Dead/Army of Darkness-esq apocalypse in which the characters would be constantly running from a threat every episode with no rest.

Gotta admit, I was sort of expecting a Pyramid Head type character to turn up, then I remembered, this isnt Resident Evil lol
It should be a great episode seeing the central character shift from Rick to Darrel, having to choose between the group and his brother, however they decide to bring Merle back into into.

Maybe he'll have been rescued by the Woodbury group, that could make for an interesting idea
On the talking dead they confirmed that the actor who played merle was originally going to play the Governor, but they said, as that's way too predictable they weren't going to do it, so they cast someone else
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