***The "We need another meet in Summer 2013" thread***

26 Mar 2007
So after last years thoroughly enjoyable romp around London I thought it might be worth trying to get another one going and see if anyone is interested.

London meet thread here btw.

So 3 things need to be decided:
Dates, Location & Attendees.

Open to suggestions really but I'll start with Aug 31st as a suggestion for no other reason than it gives people a couple of months notice.



a: Yep I'm in because I am the master of my own destiny!
Mancubus (Worksop, Notts)
Janesy B
King Damager

b: Possibly but I need to ask permission!

c: Hen-pecked, dirty, filthy dropouts

I'll update this post if and when more interest is gained and more details are available.
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OP updated, should be a decent day.

Clown as you spend most of your life in the the city, can I suggest that you put forward some kind of plan for the day as my knowledge of London extends to 'it's down south'. :p
Sorry for the lack of my involvement in the thread guys, work is sucking the life out of me currently but I'm obviously still attending.

I presume the 31st is still a go for most people? If it is I'll book my train ticket tonight.
I dont know weather i should just drive or not? Im from Yorkshire so either way its not going to be an easy day logistically..

If i drive ill have flexibility.

Oooh then perhaps me and you could meet up and travel in either yours or my car as I'm travelling down from Worksop, so you'll be pretty much passing me anyway and obviously go 50/50 on the fuel.

I'm more than happy to drive if you don't fancy it.
Fantastic! My driving style is slightly fast and i suffer badly from road rage and my best friend recently said id hate London haha. So, id come to you, go halfs from there?

Yeah sounds good.
I'm more of a 'set the cruise control at 80' type of driver so we'll be fine and I've never had road rage. :D

We could meet up at Woodhall services on the M1 and leave your car there if that sounds ok?
I'll also look for somewhere to park on the outskirts and then just tube it in from there.

Whack me a message in trust when ya ready fella and I'll ping you my mobile number and email address.
I am very much looking forward to shooting street at night. Last time I used the 85 but this time it will be the 35. Enjoyed it immensely at the last meet!

Well hopefully now I'm driving I'll be able to stay longer this time and not have to rush back for the train, as I'd loved to have stayed got some night stuff myself.
An all nighter, maybe?

Just throwing it out there! Imagine what the streets would be like at 4am :eek:

Ooooh, if James is up for it I'll stay as long as my legs will carry my considerable frame....

All we need to do now is:

> sort out a meeting point & time.
> decide the route for the day
> and most importantly where are we going to eat?

Clown, suggestions?

Not what gear to fetch either....A77 or D7000? hmmmm.
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How about just going to Borough Market to grab food and drink (and photos, though last time I did so there, I got annoyed stares) and find a spot on the South Bank to sit down? Cheaper and solves the problem of booking.

Gonna suggest Spitalfields and Brick Lane again as location, just because I haven't shot there.

We went there last year and I seem to remember Robbie having a little hassle with some bloke! :D
I'm out......

My wife miscarried our 2nd child last night just before midnight, 14 weeks into the pregnancy as well.

Gutted isn't the word.

Sorry guys.
Cheers guys.

My wife is still in the hospital at the minute as she lost a lot of blood and actually passed out last night because of it.

Having to explain to my 6yr old daughter this morning that her brother / sister isn't coming now was actually the worst part and broke my heart. :(
I knew I should've turned up, just so I could break up all that Canon loving with some quality Sony or Nikon action. :D

Great pics btw Clown, love the processing style.
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